Thursday, May 17, 2007

Yet Another Liberal Yinzer

So we are at Sharon Regional Hospital today for my son to have a MRI done. As we are sitting in the waiting room, I overhear this 76-year old liberal yinzer complaining to an orderly about the 'evil' Republicans. "All politicians that are rich and/or have any kind of money are Republican only." What? WHAT?!? My wife shot me an evil glare but I could not resist to chime in on the poor mindless bastard that he is. "No democrats are rich?" I ask. "Nope, they are just like the rest of us working-class Americans. Only the Republicans have any money." Clueless liberal yinzer replies. "Are you friggin' kidding me? Do you really think democratic politicians don't have mansions (like Kerry, Gore, etc), yachts, maids, personal chefs, etc?" I ask in total disbelief. "Ah, what do you know, you weren't alive during the Great Depression." He says. Luckily, for my wife, my son's name was called and my conversation with the clueless, liberal moron ended. However, it just goes to show what great brainwashers the libs are. Because you all know that democrats 'care about the poor...' Yeah, right.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Sharia Law in the U.S.? If they get their way!!!!

Here are just a FEW articles from the web that I have pulled up on this issue. It is NOT just going on in MN, but also in other parts of the country, thanks to the Islamic group, CAIR(Center for American Islamic Relations) who have in the past been shown to donate to fundamentalist teror groups like Hamas, and refuses to condemn the attacks on Spet. 11th, 2001!!! Here are your sources!!!

Sharia in America

By Ayesha Ahmed

Omar M. Ahmad founder of CAIR said:"Islam isn't in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant" he said. "The Koran, the Muslim book of scripture, should be the highest authority in America , and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth," he said.

Americans should give a serious thought to CAIR's agenda.. If Islam and sharia is adopted in America , It will be great. .

Muslims are right. Non of the existing Islamic countries are truly Islamic, that is why they don't progress and most of them are poor, corrupt and miserable. We must implement 100% sharia and sunna to get full benefits of Islam. Inshallah we will try to do it in USA to make it the first real Muslim country after the days of rightly guided khalifas Consider the following advantages:

- America can go to jihad against non Muslim countries. It will bring immense wealth in booty and millions of captured women. Canada and Mexico can be easy targets and are conveniently located for easy assault and hauling of booty.

-Since slavery will be allowed government can open slave markets to sell it's 20% share of the captured women.

-Captured women/slave-girls can provide affordable domestic help for house wives and clean enjoyable sex for their husbands.

-Enslaved men can be used as farm labor and factory workers at a much lower cost than unionized labor.

-Unemployed men from the prohibited non Islamic businesses like TV, Photography, computers, mortgage companies, music industry etc can be hired as religious police for the Ministry of Prevention of Vice and Promotion of Virtues . They can be used to beat up women violating burqa laws, arrest men with undersize beards and whip the non religious types found loitering at prayer times.

-Since men will be allowed four wives and unlimited number of slave girls, population boom will result in making the fastest growing religion grow even faster.

-All non muslims will live under dhimmi rules and pay heavy Jizya. Budget deficits will be a thing of the past.

Stoning of adulterers, whipping of alcohol drinkers, cutting of hands and feet of thieves and beheadings of apostates can be carried out after Juma prayers on Fridays in the local stadium. Gate charge for this gory and exciting weekly spectacle can generate a lot of revenue.

-Unemployed male gynecologists can be hired to carry out circumcisions of new male converts.

-Female circumcision can be made mandatory to promote piety and holiness and discourage lewdness among women.

-Marriage age for girls can be lowered to 6 years. That will reduce the burden of support of large poorer families and also promote a sunna, the tradition set by the holy prophet (peace be up on him).

-Whole Ramadan will be declared as public holidays so that every one can pray and recite the Quran.. Why work in the only month in which all ibadah and Quran recitals are worth 70 times the normal sawab (reward)?.

-Shia Muslims on temporary out of town business assignments will be able to do a temporary marriage (Muta) and enjoy home comfort outside of home.

-Since menstruation is a disease according to Quran all menstruating women will be given time off to rest in bed during their periods.

-All toilet seats in the public rest rooms will be reoriented so that one does not defecate facing Mecca .

-All public toilets will have buckets of stones instead of toilet tissues for claiming after defecation as a movement to implement sunna in the country.

-Separate bins along roadside will be placed to drop bones and dried animal feces for jins to snack on.

-Spiraling medical costs can be brought down by the following two prong approaches:

-Imams can be placed in the clinics to recite Quranic ayas (verses) and blow on the patients and pray for them . Their fee will be a fraction of what doctor's charge.

- All pharmacies will be required to dispense black cumin, honey, Indian incense and camel urine as cure for all diseases as recommended by the holy prophet (pbuh). The cost will be a fraction of today's medicines.

-Spiralling prison costs will come down due to the following:

-All men serving time for the crime of rape will be freed if four male witnesses had not testified in the trial. Even if four male witnesses had testified, the criminal will be freed under insanity provision , since only mentally insane will rape in front of four witnesses.

-All men serving sentences for beating wives will be freed as under new American sharia law wife beating will be allowed.

-All thieves will be freed after cutting their hands and feet.

-All pedophiles will be freed as sex with children will not be against law any more.

-All slayers of unbelievers will be freed if they converted to Islam.

All these result in savings and prosperity and happiness for all. InshaAllah!

I will post the links to the other stories here below...or this blog would be huge!!! visit them....I do NOT lie about stories, I can back uo what I say!!!


There are Muslim extremism in the country today, there are just some that want to cover their eyes and believe it will either go away, or that it just does not exsist at all. It is there, and probably right in your backyard! They want nothing more than to impose this type of Radical kind of thinking onto the citizens of this great country, because they feel our laws give to many people rights that should not have them. It will take a beheading in the streets to wake some of you up.....

Fred Thompson responds to Michael Moore

For those who have not heard, Michael Moore has challenged Fred Thompson, Former Senator of Tennessee and possible candidate for the Presidency, to a debate over Thompsons critisizism of Moore's trip to Cuba! I am sure you all have heard about his trip to Cuba, and how it has caused many in the U.S. Government to look into why? here is Thompson's responce to Moore's request! This Thompson is REALLY good, and holds nothing back....He would be a GREAT pick for the President!!!

Democrats Side With CAIR...Big Surprise here!!!

The Democrats have sided with the group CAIR, who obviously have their agenda set, to stop people from getting imunity for calling in tips for crimes. If the Dems get their way, if you call in a tip on, ohh lets say people who look suspicious at an airport, and there are no charges filed, then YOU, the one that called in the suspicious activity could be taken to court. Here is the article....


We were told right after 9/11 to be watchful for anything suspicious that may happen around us. We were told to keep a watchful eye on people who may seem a little wierd..maybe not in their person but there actions! We were told that this would help national security, and ever since then the Libs have taken the people who actually do this to the cleaners, and make sure their life is a living hell.

The people that told the pilot of the suspicious people on the plane to MN now could be sued by the 6 Imams... Why? Because they saw something they thought was suspicious and told someone? Give me a break! PLEASE! Our whole country sits there after 9/11 and tells us to be vigilant, then now it is wrong to do that because we might hurt their feelings. I do not care who's feelings we have to hurt...if it protects us here at home, then more power to us! The people want to help, they really do. But how many people will go and call the cops when they see something suspicious if the Libs get their way here.

A better question is why does CAIR even care about this, if they did not have a hidden agenda? Some have told me that CAIR is a very respectable group, yet, in this case they do not want people to call in suspicious persons, may cause a religious backlash? They do not want people to be vigilant because then it will make it easier for the people they have funded to blow up another building...that is why! (Maybe I crossed the line there, but it was about time someone did...)

I would love to hear your thoughts on this situation. Should people be able to get immunity for calling in these types of tips???

Planned Parenthood's "DONT ASK, DONT TELL" theory blows up in face!!!!!

Read this article people. If you read no other articles I this one!!!!

Planned Parenthood looked the other way, Mason rape victim says


It was one of the worst cases of child abuse Warren County Prosecutor Rachel Hutzel has ever seen - and she has seen a few.

"I thought I would get held in contempt of court because I argued it so vigorously in court," she said, still outraged by the case eight months later. "The father was basically treating his daughter like she was his wife."


John Blanks Jr. of Mason was sentenced to five years - one year in prison for every year he molested his daughter, beginning when she was 13. "She had to get up out of his bed in the morning and go to school, if you can imagine what that was like," Hutzel said.

In May 2006, the girl told a Mason High School official what was going on. "She finally decided she wasn't going to take it anymore and she didn't want her sibling to become a victim," Hutzel said.

Now the girl says in a lawsuit filed Wednesday that the abuse could have been stopped earlier. In November 2004, when she was 16, the girl was forced by her father to have an abortion. She reported the abuse at the Planned Parenthood abortion clinic in Cincinnati, her lawyer says.

"She tried to put an end to this abuse," said Brian Hurley, "by informing a Planned Parenthood employee that she has been forced to have sex and to do things she did not want to do. Tragically for her, Planned Parenthood's 'don't ask, don't tell' policy was in full force."

State law requires teachers, clinic workers and others to report suspected abuse to police. But Planned Parenthood "completely ignored her cry for help," Hurley said, and his client was "raped on many occasions over the next one and one-half years."

Becki Brenner, president of Planned Parenthood Southwest Ohio, said: "I won't speak on individual patients, but I am very eager to see the facts of this case come out for public review. I can't tell you the facts because of the legal issues, but I think people may be surprised."

She also said, "We do not have a 'don't ask, don't tell' policy."

Hurley also represents "Jane Roe," a victim of sexual abuse by her soccer coach at age 14. She was taken by the abuser to Planned Parenthood in the fall of 2004 for an abortion. Although she used a junior-high school I.D. and the coach, 21, paid with a credit card and driver's license, Planned Parenthood failed to report the abuse.

Planned Parenthood officials said they were misled and did not know the man who gave permission and paid for the abortion was the abuser.

That case is still in court. An appeals court hearing is expected Tuesday on Judge Patrick Dinkelacker's order for Planned Parenthood to turn over records of underage abortions to Hurley. As in similar cases in Indiana and Kansas, Planned Parenthood has invoked patient privacy. Even if names and addresses are deleted, Planned Parenthood attorney Daniel Buckley argued there are "profound and significant privacy issues."

But based on records obtained so far, Hurley said, "My guess is that this is just the tip of the iceberg, and that is why Planned Parenthood will do anything to prevent us from seeing its records."

In the Roe case, a Planned Parenthood "Documentation Form for Suspected Sexual or Child Abuse Report" says:

"Patient reports pregnancy is a result of sexual assault by a stranger."

"After consultation with (Planned Parenthood) attorney, report of a crime to the police was not made; due to physician-patient privilege, we are prohibited from reporting as no severe bodily injury was reported."

Hurley said prosecutors in four local counties know of no such exception to reporting requirements. Hutzel agreed. If evidence of severe injury were required, "there would be no reports in the vast majority of situations," Hurley said.

Hutzel said she is "keeping the door open" for possible criminal prosecution depending on what is revealed in the civil case.

"By failing to report it and giving her an abortion and birth-control pills, they sent her home with him and he abused her for another year and a half," she said. "That had to have been one of the darkest days of her life. She has just had an abortion, now she has to get back in the car and go home with him."

Hurley also found a note in Planned Parenthood files about sexual abuse that mentions "don't ask, don't tell."


I do not have to many thoughts on this issue...just wanted to get it out there for debate. I do believe, however, that Planned Parenthoods stance on these types of issues HAVE to change, because what they did to this girl should be criminal as well. They KNEW she was getting raped by her father and told no one, just to save their butts! This group makes me sick!

Gallup Poll says Congress approval rating dropping....

In a recent gallup poll, 29% of Americans approve of the job the Congress is doing! I wish I still had Rob on this blog, because he knows how to spin everything to make it look good. But even he could not spin how bad this looks for the Democrats right now. Here is the address to the story...


Since the Democrats have taken offic, I said they have done nothing to help the people of this country, and some of you on the left laughed at me saying they have done things for this country, and they will continue to do more. Well, I guess that is lost on most of the American people, because now Congress has a lower rating than the President. I did not think I would ever see the day, but it has come. The Libs have found a way to screw up a good thing, and tick the American people off before they could even do anyting to get on their good side.

I have said many times before on this blog that the American people did not vote for the Dems to take control because they hate Republicans, it is because the Republicans needed to be shown a lesson, I just hope they have learned that lesson.

The Democrats are racing around trying to get something done to show the people of this country...and the next thing will probably be an immigration Bill that the President will sign because he is weak and sad on this issue. He will give the Dems what they want, and make them look good in the process. It will make them look like they reached across the isle to work with the President, and in turn the ratings will go up.

I am no idiot, I know how this game works. The Libs are right where the Republicans want it is time for the fight of a lifetime on Immigration. The TRUE Conservatives should go to the President and make ure he veto any immigration bill that is not tough enough. That means....

1) Close the border down completly. No one can get in anytime they feel like it. If they want in, they come in the way everyone else has matter how long that takes them.

2) Make sure the people who are in this country illegally are found and shipped out. This may not be possible, but it is probable. You will never find them all, but if they want their benefits, they will be somewhere...that is for sure!!!!

3) The bill must state that people who entered this country illegally will be put to the back of the line when it comes to getting a chance to come back in. There are people who wait years to come to this land legally, and there is no way it is fair for others to wait because we have a flood of illegals invading our shores! And do not fool yourselves, this is an invasion!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Another Liberal Flip-Flopper


Pallone, Schiff, and Eshoo Alert their House Colleagues of Gephardt's Past Support for Armenian Genocide Resolution

WASHINGTON, DC - Former U.S. House Majority Leader Dick Gephardt, who recently closed a major deal to serve as a foreign agent for the Turkish government, has already begun lobbying on behalf of his new client against the very same Armenian Genocide Resolution that he once vigorously supported while a Member of Congress, reported the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA).

Gephardt's sharp departure from his principled stand for Armenian Genocide recognition was highlighted this week in a Dear Colleague letter circulated to all Members of Congress by Representatives Frank Pallone (D-NJ), the Co-Chairman of the Armenian Caucus, Adam Schiff (D-CA), the lead sponsor of the Armenian Genocide Resolution, and Anna Eshoo (D-CA), the only Armenian American serving in the U.S. Congress. In their letter, they wrote: "Former Majority Leader Dick Gephardt (D-MO) is now employed by the Turkish government to dissuade Members of Congress from supporting H.Res.106, the Armenian Genocide Resolution. But in 2000, as a Member of Congress, he wrote to Speaker Hastert urging immediate floor consideration of the Armenian Genocide Resolution, claiming ‘this issue requires little if any additional deliberation by the House.’"

"Armenian Americans appreciate Representatives Eshoo, Schiff and Pallone alerting their colleagues that the same Dick Gephardt who is now on the Turkish government's payroll was - during his long tenure as an elected official - a principled supporter of the Armenian Genocide Resolution," said Aram Hamparian, ANCA Executive Director. "We are all saddened by the spectacle of Dick Gephardt - for the price of a lobbying contract - publicly compromising his own integrity and, even worse, seeking to prevent a broad, bipartisan Congressional majority from voting on this long overdue human rights legislation in order to appease Turkish threats."

As noted in the Dear Colleague letter, in September of 2000, Gephardt had joined with Sam Gejdensen, the Ranking Democrat on the International Relations Committee, and Frank Pallone in urging the Speaker at the time, Dennis Hastert (R-IL), to schedule an "immediate" vote on the Armenian Genocide Resolution. The three legislators stressed that, "Armenian Americans communities throughout the nation have waited long enough for Congress to recognize the horrible genocide endured by many of their predecessors."

As a member of the House, Gephardt cosponsored legislation recognizing the Armenian Genocide, as recently as H.Res.193 in 2003, and dating all the way back to H.J.Res.192, more than 20 years ago, during the 99th Congress. In 1998, he offered remarks at the ANCA Armenian Genocide Observance on Capitol Hill.

To read the DLA Piper profile of Dick Gephardt, visit:

Many topics here to discuss.....

Wow, where can I begin to even start with the day in news. Not a lot of REAL big news going on, but there was somethings that are worth putting in a blog tonight. As some of you may know, I am a true believer that something must be done about Iran's nuclear facilities before anything else can be done by them to harm the world.

Plus, I know this will be a heated debate: GAS PRICES!!! I do n ot know how many of you drive on a regular basis, probably many. I have some thoughts on this issue as well. Plus, look at the abortion blog in the morning. It will be updated a little.

The most important thing, I believe, on the minds of Americans right now is the rising price of gas. It has become something that it never should be, or never should have, which ever way you want to look at it. Yes, we can sit here and compare our price of gasoline to the price they pay in Europe, but I do not beoieve that does us any good here. We are not Europe. We are a nation that is depending way to much on others to give us our oil, and that will be our downfall at some point. The Environmental wackos have gone so far as to make sure we do not drill anywhere in Alaska, no matter what promises we make to them about being safe. And to top it all off, there has not been a new refinery built in this country for over 30 years! With all of that going on, how is this country ever going to get out of the world oil market and back to making and selling our own forms of energy. It does not even have to get to the point yet where we are running cars off of, ohh lets say, PURE ethenol. Yes, it would be nice to have these other types of energies work for us, but I do not believe that is the answer in the short term. The answer is get our own, so we do not have to depend on others, who may or may not be our friends to begin with.

We are playing a dangerous game here, and it just does not seem to be getting any better. Who knows if it ever will get better. All I know is that there are Americans that are troubled by the rising gas prices, and something needs to be done about it. It is almost the summer driving season, and by that time all of the nation will be paying over 3 bucks a gallon for gas...if you live in California...I am soooooo sorry! I really feel bad for you! But there is a reason for all of this, and it can all be traced back to the environmental people that are pushing for new regulations every single day. I am sorry, I am all for making the environment better, but these people have crossed the line into insanity. No steps that are taken are ever good enough for them, they always want more and more control over what you put into your car, and for that matter what kind of car you should drive. Give me a break, and let me drive an SUV if I want to drive an SUV. I am not hurting you, you will not die in 3 months because I have a big car! Get real, and face the reality that the environment people have more on their minds than just saving people from what may come out of your car when you are driving. These are the same people, by the way, who come make speeches about driving gas guzzling cars, then drive off in their Limos or Hummers! They al know where they can put their Hybrid car!!!


This issue is a never ending story. I have not written to much about this issue since the sailors were let go by the Iranians. But I believe it is one of the most important issues this country has, as far as National Security worries go at least. They are sending weapons into Iraq, and we do nothing about it. The President will not even stand up and say anything about it. The whole Administration must feel it is a mott point, but I do not believe it is. Something has to be done about the Iranians, and it must be done very soon. They are getting more powerful by the day, and when they get the bomb the dealing is all but over. They do not want to deal with us or anyone else for that matter. They want nothing more than what Hitler wanted, a world controlled by his people, no matter what it took. We now have a new Hitler on the scene, and he is the President of Iran! We have sat here for years and let him walk all over the United States for reasons we will just never know.

And just before I started writing this blog, I read a story from the New York Times online that says the IAEA has concluded that Iran has worked out most of the tech problems they had with enriching uranium, so mor can now be processed by the rouge regime. This puts them right near the capability to build a nuclear weapon. Why would be let this happen? Why would the world want any part of a nuclear Iran? There is a very simple answer to this question!

THE LEFT HAS SCARED THE RIGHT!!!! That is it in a nutshell, folks! The left has been against the war in Iraq for so long, and has tried to make peace with the Iranians, the people with any power on the right are afraid of what might be said if the President actually did strike Iran. It is sad, really. The President is looking at his poll numbers and think they matter to him right now. He will be gone out of office soon, and if he does not do something to try and break up what is going on in Iraq right now and put the Iranians down, we may all be in trouble...real big trouble.

Since there are more people in this blog now, I would love for a debate on both the issues I have wrote about tonight! Hope you like, and I will be back soon with more!!!

Saturday, May 12, 2007

There is no doubt in my mind there is right and wrong in the world today. Bad things happen every single day. Just turn on the news, and you will see that no matter where it is in this country, someone either robbed a bank, killed someone, kidnapped someone, or shot up a school. Of course, there has been evil in the world ever since the beginning. But that is really not what I want to talk about today. What I really want to get out to you people is the actual meaning of right and wrong. No dictionary can tell you what it REALLY means to each and every one of us.

Every single person, I believe, wants to do right, or right a wrong if they committed it. Yes, there are the crazies out there that do not care what they do to hurt others. They are the minority, and mean nothing to you and I! They will get what is coming to them. They are rats, and deserve to be treated as such.

What has happened this week in my blog is an example of something totally wrong to do. I run this blog saying I want free debate, but on the other hand there is no way I can overlook the hatred that has overtaken the blog in the recent weeks. I am hoping that hatred is gone, and gone for good. Like I have said many times in the past, I am here to write and get my voice heard, not pick fights with people that have no intellect what-so-ever! It is a waste of my time, and also a waste of the readers that actually want to read something worth while!

Having said that, why is it not more custom to be civil anymore? I do not mean we all have to come in here and get along, and sing a show tune together. I mean listen to each others comments and respect them for what they are, their opinions on a certain subject. No one in here, Republican or Democrat, believe they can get someone to change their way of thinking. Once someone is set on something, that is what the believe. (Except for Rudy Guliani, who does not know if he is for or against abortion on a daily basis...but he is not in this blog, so I guess that means nothing)

It has never been about left or right for me in my writings. I write what I feel, and that is what I feel is right. Others may think I am wrong, and that is fine with me. That is called debate, and I love to have it. But sometimes, there is a right and a wrong way of doing things, and the past week we have seen the wrong way of debating with others.

Here is my point: If the person who wrote the comment would have been called a Nazi for supporting President Bush and the war efforts, would that person in turn also be mad and upset they were called a name that is catogorically untrue? I believe so, and I believe I would have had to do the same thing I did, just for a different person.

I really do not want to go into another blog about what happened, I was just using this as an example, because it goes straight to my point.

Your ideas, no matter if I agree with them or not, are not the only ones out there. That is why thousands of people online write every single day, thinking they may have the next bright idea for a solution to the worlds problems. I am NOT one of those people. I may offend some with the wording I us at time, but that is only because I feel passionate about that I write. There is a line in the sand though, and people cross it sometimes. I hope I have not been one of those people.

I guess the moral of the story is trying to do right is hard, but it is the best. What I have done in this last week to make this blog better was right, in my opinion.

But before I end this blog, there is another aspect of right and wrong I want to loom at, and that is every day life. Forget about the blogs and being PC for a minute. How about every day when you go to work, to school, or where ever you go. Is it easier not to be nice to people, because if you fake it they will hate you later? I beloieve it is easier to tell people a lie than it is the truth. But that all goes back to right and wrong and what we are lacking as a society today. There is no truth to people anymore. They lie to get out of anything and everything. People who have money do not want to go to jail, because they feel they may have done wrong, but they are not as low as "common folk". (refering to Paris Hilton) The right thing to do would be to go to jail and serve your time like anyone else would have to. But she feels she is above any law this country can make, and that is a theme running through Hollywood, or anyone with a big bank account for that matter.

We have put some of these celebs on a pedastool, and told them they are allowed to do wrong, as long as we can read it in the Tabloids the next day.

I feel this country is loosing its goodness. People are fighting all over the place for no reason but to fight. There are people that will change their positions just to start a fight with someone they once agreed with. There is no personal attachment to political candidates, because we all have the same feeling about all of them....they are corrupt and no good! The political system, which we use to elect GOOD people to represent us in the Nations Capital and other parts of the country and world, has become nothing but another money making machine where if you want power, you better have the money to fight off the people with the HUGE bank accounts. This is politics, right or wrong, it still is. There is no room out there for a person with little money to run for President or Congress. I am sorry to say that, because I bet you that the people with very little money would get this country running the way it should in a matter of months, not years!

On the other hand, "Absolute power corrupts absolutly". So, the middle class Americans who may have a chance to win may fall for the same things their predecessors did! This is one of the things that really scares me about getting invovled with politics. I am a good person, in my own opinion, and I would try to do my best to help whatever branch of Government I would be asked to. But there is always those people who will come after you to pull you down to their level. I have seen it. I have seen many good, honest people run for political office, and when they get to Washington, it i like they were a whole different person.

This blog went through a lot of right and wrong, and something that have nothing to do with right and wrong, but still was on my mind and I did not feel like putting into another blog. As a nation, we need to start thinking about what is going to be the best way to move forward in the future. I believe it will be a political system that is not run by the special interest groups on both sides of the isle. I believe it will be by everyday people like you and me. The only problem is we need to get an everyday joe intheir that knows his stuff, and make sure that person does not fall under the spell of power. Then and only then will we see the improvement of the country as a whole, and open debate from all sides will continue to grow!

Where our security is at, and where will it take us?

I have to credit this idea to Paula(Princess) who brought up the topic in a previous blog.

Our nations security is one of the most important parts of our society today. There is no doubt that security as we have known it over the years changed right after 9/11, and for good reason. On that day, we found out the hard way that people just did not like us, and would kill as many as possible to make sure we would not be a world power any longer. Of course, they were wrong, and one hit will not do that to a country that will stand together in times of trouble.

But is our security strong enough? Since 9/11, there have been NO attacks on American soil...that shows me that the security we have in place has worked, for the most part. There is no way to stop every single attack. If we tell ourselves that we will, we are sadly mistaken. Someone, somewhere, at some time, will hit us again. Who knows where and how hard, but it will still be a situation where people will say that we need MORE security.

I do not believe our Founders could have ever imagined this ever happening in a country like the one they lived in. Yes, I do believe they had in mind we would have to fight wars from time to time, just to keep the country safe.

If you do believe that, then that means something else had to be done. I know some of you out tere just HATE the Patriot act, because you think the F.B.I and the CIA are litening in to every single persons phone calls in America....but if they were, what is the problem with that? We have come to the point where the right to privacy issue must be addressed! Frankly, I do not believe the government oversteps its bounds when they do things like this, because it i for the express purpose of keeping us safer. I have nothing to hide! If the government wants to listen to me talk to my girlfriend, then so be it. They will be bored out of their minds! But, the issue here is not the Patriot Act, unless there are people that do want to discuss it?

I believe the issue is a great point made by Princess, and that was is this country going to turn into a police state like Israel? AND, if it does, is that necessarily a bad thing?

First, you would have to believe that Israel is a total police state, which I suppose they are and must be to keep themselves safe! There will come a point in this country that we will have to have the debate over whether we are doing enough to secure the homeland, and are we on the right track? I do not believe putting security at every single mall in America is what we need right now! I know we need security, but there has to be a point where we draw the line and say we are doing fine and that is that!

The problem is when people are told to say something when they see something suspicious, and it blows back in their faces. Like in the case of the "Flying Imams"! For those of you who have not heard the story, I will go through a quick run through...

Last year, there were 6 Imams on a U.S. Air Flight to Bloomington. While on the plane, they started praying, in Arabic, and also talked amongst themselves in Arabic. The other passengers on the plane were feeling a little suspisious, and told the pilot. The pilot ordered them off the plane, which he has every right to do, and the 6 men were detained and questioned, and later released. The case has become something of a story the media just does not want to touch, for one reason or another. But it is a great example of why we must be vigilant, especially in places like airports!

You can discuss amongst yourselves if you feel the six men got the short end of the stick in this deal. To me, they SHOULD have known when they started doing that people would get a little uneasy. I do not care who you are, after 9/11 everything has changed, and every single one of you would be thinking the same thing..."WHAT ARE THEY DOING?" The situation, especially at the airports in this country, has become so difficult to deal with because of the PC crowd and we ALL must be TOLERANT to the other way of thinking. Yes, we MUST let them pray, but at what expense? If it is going to cause a scene, then I believe we have to look at what is done. These men may have been upstanding citizens, but they also should have known it would scare the crap out of people also!

The country is safe now, but when the next terrorist hits, what will happen then? Will we be more inclined to put stricter measures on top of the ones we have right now? I truly believe that there will come a time that we may be like Israel, in the security angle anyway. But here in the U.S. it would be far worse!

Imagine this scenario...and I will leave you to discuss......

You wake on Wednesday morning in June, and see on the TV that a cell of terrorists have struck multiple cities with dirty bombs. The country is in panic, and the government must find a way to stop the people from rioting in the streets. The people want to know where their family members are, but since the zones in which the bombs went off are contaminated, no one has any answers. The Government has no idea if the attacks are just the begining of something much bigger, and far worse.

The President decides to declare Martial law in every major city in America. Road Blocks, curfews, the whole shebang! No one can leave their home, go to work, go on vacation, and the economy is stopped dead!

What will be the peoples reaction to it? I believe people would go even more crazy if something like this would happen. Obviously, it is just a scenario! It may never happen, who knows. It also sounds like an episode of "24".....Sorry to say, but it does!

How much security is TO much security when it comes to our homeland?

Friday, May 11, 2007

The War is becoming a Liability!

I love to look at things through the eyes of a politician, because one day soon I hope to be one as well. The stradegy that must go into every single word you say, and every action you put forward, is amazing! No matter what you say or do, it will be on the evening news that day, without a doubt. That is what makes politics fun, it keeps you on your toes!

Recently, we have seen many Republicans take issue with the War in Iraq! Most of these Republicans are ones who are running for the Presidency in 2008! They know, as I do, backing this war could cost them their chance. Most will not go as far as to say we should get out of Iraq, but it is still early. The polling numbers have shown people just want to get the job done and get out..NOW! I am not one to base MY opinion on poll numbers, because those polls mean nothing to me. I am just a blogger putting out my view to everyone out there!

There is no doubt this war has been handled very badly, and right from the begining. I still believe it was right to go and take out Saddam, and that our troops were needed to do so and keep the Iraqi people safe in a uncertain time. But there has to be more than that being done, and I believe it has not been done yet!

It seems that almost every single day I find myself standing up for Bush on this issue, because I am one who believes what he did was right. That does not mean I believe HOW he did it was the right way. here is a difference here, and it is one of the points I do NOT agree with President Bush on. He thinks he can sit back and just run out the term as President and not answer questions about what went wrong.

Was it that we did not have enough troops? Is it that we are not doing enough to stop Iranians from coming into Iraq and bringing weapons to the terror cells located in Iraq? It could be those things, which I do believe we should have had more troops when we started this whole thing. But the fact that nothing is being done to stop the Iranians is the biggest problem Iraq faces right now. There has to be something that can be done to stop them from bringing in those weapons, and we all know they are doing it for one reason and one reason only: To make sure the United States does not win this war. They would like nothing more (Iran) than for us to pack up and leave, so they can take over as the force in Iraq.

We could get up and leave, and that is an option. But there is no way of telling we will not be back there 2 years from now helping them get rid of Iranian scum who have taken over! There is no telling what would happen if they did take over in Iraq. We would be forced to do something, because we took out ONE dictator already in Saddam, and we can not let the country fall again to another rouge regime! That is just NOT an option, no matter who the President is.

Iran has threatened the United States and its allies, most important of those Israel. A strike would almost damage them completely, especially with a nuclear weapon. It would either start a nuclear war in the Middle East, or worse Israel would be taken over by the Iranians. Yes, that is a WORST CASE SENARIO, but it is still possible. All you have to do is read the words that come out of Ahmadimajad's mouth, and you will see this is a threat!

So, my question to you people is this: Has this war become something that it should not have been and what do you think the reason for all the problems are? Yes, I know there are terrorists in the country causing chaos. But I believe the reasoning goes far beyong that!

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Illegal Immigration & Immigrants

My entire maternal side of the family emigrated to the United States. Most of them came from the middle east (IRAQ), though they were of Armenian (Christian) ethnicity. They all speak English, adjusted to the American way of life and the American schools they sent their children to DID NOT provide the option of Armenian-speaking classrooms, nor did any employment they secured in America offer employment guides in Armenian. Did my family lose their heritage? Of course not, I went to Armenian church, Armenian functions and I am proud of my ethnicity. Simply put, America offered a better life for my maternal side of the family and they have, to this day, been able to conduct their lives as Americans; yet they have retained their Armenian culture. I was born in America, I love apple pie, BBQ's, bowling, baseball games, etc, yet I go to Armenian churches, baptized my children Armenian and enjoy Armenian cuisine. Does my family feel slighted since the American g'vt did not provide Armenian options? No. My family understood what America was all about and adjusted. That being said, I think it is utterly preposterous that there are students in American public schools that cannot speak English and are offered their language-taught classes with my tax dollars. When I moved to Finland back in '91 do you think that the Finnish g'vt gave a damn that I couldn't speak Finnish? Nope. I had to learn the Finnish language, which I did and was able to make my way around in Finland. When my ex-wife and I moved back to America, we went thru hell at Immigration to get her a visa - even though she spoke fluent English. The Immigration Service reasoning was to ensure my ex-wife "would not be a burden to the American people and end up on public assistance," so we had to prove that she could work and live in American society. "A burden...?!?" So, someone please explain to me how all those hundreds of thousands illegal and not illegal immigrants who cannot speak a word of English are not "a burden to the American people?"

Coming from a multil-ethnic family, I am all for LEGAL immigration. America would not be America without all the contributions of our diverse ethnic population. My point is this: "what is good for the goose is good for the gander." The American g'vt simply cannot give special accommodations to one ethnicity without offering it to all, in my opinion. I live in Sharon, PA in the northwestern section of the state and there are English and Spanish written all over the local businesses. Last I checked, I did not notice a huge influx of Hispanic growth in my area. I do, however, notice a large Italian and Slavic flavor to the population, yet I see no Italian or any type of Slavic language on public businesses. We have Christian and Jewish holidays on the American calendar? Fine, then put Muslim, Hindu, Taoist, etc, holidays on it as well. Or, wait, I have a much better idea: HOW ABOUT PUTTING JUST AMERICAN HOLIDAYS ON THE CALENDAR? Ya think? I won't feel slighted that no Armenian, German, Irish, Welsh, Slovak or British holidays are on the calendar because I am aware I live in the USA not Armenia, Germany, the UK or Slovakia. Get my point? I realize the calendar example seems trivial but I say either offer the same options to ALL ETHNICITIES or none at all. Fair is fair.

As far as illegal immigrants, I strongly believe if handled properly, we can as a country solve this problem. I offer an example: my mother belonged and contributed to an Armenian group funded by Armenians living in America that helped other Armenians emigrate to America. "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breath free..." We have, as a country, a moral obligation to provide for immigrants. I just believe they should make their life here in America legally and not come here for a short duration and take all the money they earned illegally back to their country of origin. That is not what the idea behind Ellis Island was all about.

Pelosi threat to sue Bush over Iraq bill
May 09, 2007
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) is threatening to take President Bush to court if he issues a signing statement as a way of sidestepping a carefully crafted compromise Iraq war spending bill.

Pelosi recently told a group of liberal bloggers, “We can take the president to court” if he issues a signing statement, according to Kid Oakland, a blogger who covered Pelosi’s remarks for the liberal website

“The president has made excessive use of signing statements and Congress is considering ways to respond to this executive-branch overreaching,” a spokesman for Pelosi, Nadeam Elshami, said. “Whether through the oversight or appropriations process or by enacting new legislation, the Democratic Congress will challenge the president’s non-enforcement of the laws.”

It is a scenario for which few lawmakers have planned. Indicating that he may consider attaching a signing statement to a future supplemental spending measure, Bush last week wrote in his veto message, “This legislation is unconstitutional because it purports to direct the conduct of operations of the war in a way that infringes upon the powers vested in the presidency.”

A lawsuit could be seen as part of the Democrats’ larger political strategy to pressure — through a series of votes on funding the war — congressional Republicans to break with Bush over Iraq.

Democrats floated other ideas during yesterday’s weekly caucus meeting. Rep. Jay Inslee (D-Wash.) suggested that the House consider a measure to rescind the 2002 authorization for the war in Iraq. Several senators and Democratic presidential candidates recently have proposed that idea.

“There was a ripple around the room” in support of the idea, said Rep. Lynn Woolsey (D-Calif.).

In the 1970s, congressional Democrats tried to get the courts to force President Nixon to stop bombing in Cambodia. The courts ruled that dissident lawmakers could not sue solely to obtain outcomes they could not secure in Congress.

In order to hear an argument, a federal court would have to grant what is known as “standing,” meaning that lawmakers would have to show that Bush is willfully ignoring a bill Congress passed and that he signed into law.

The House would have to demonstrate what is called “injury in fact.” A court might accept the case if “it is clear that the legislature has exhausted its ability to do anything more,” a former general counsel to the House of Representatives, Stanley Brand, said.

Lawmakers have tried to sue presidents in the past for taking what they consider to be illegal military action, but courts have rejected such suits.

A law professor at Georgetown Law Center, Nicholas Rosenkranz, said Bush is likely to express his view on the constitutionality of the next supplemental in writing. Whether Bush has leeway to treat any provision of the supplemental as advisory, however, depends on the wording Congress chooses, Rosenkranz added.

Bruce Fein, who was a Justice Department official under President Reagan, said Democrats seeking to challenge a signing statement would have to try to give themselves standing before filing a lawsuit.

“You’d need an authorizing resolution in the House and Senate … to seek a declaratory judgment from the federal district court that the president, by issuing a signing statement, is denying Congress’s obligation to [hold a veto override vote],” Fein said.

Sen. Arlen Specter (R-Pa.) introduced legislation to that end last year, but the idea of a lawsuit has yet to gain traction in Congress.

Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Carl Levin (D-Mich.) said that “the odds would be good” for a signing statement on the next supplemental, considering that Bush has in the past shown a predilection for excusing his administration from contentious bills. But Levin did not offer any clues as to how Democratic leaders would counter Bush.


I have no idea how this would ever work, but as we all know Liberals in Congress have got a big head now since they won, and they believe they can do whatever it takes to get out of the war in Iraq, even if that means suing the President of the United States! This seems odd to me when there are more pressing issues to be dealt with in this country, like illegal immigration. The Democrats spend their time trying to get Bush to screw up, instead of trying to help the country and make themselves look good. I have no idea who the strategist are for the Libs, but they need a reality check. I am no strategist myself, but I know that people are going to see at some point there is nothing being done about the other issues that face this nation!

Back to the REAL issues...ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION!!!!!

A few months ago, I wrote many blogs dealing with illegal immigration, and SOME of us had a little discussion about it. Well, I obviously have a lot more people coming to the blog now. So, I figured, I don't sleep, so I might as well write about it again! This is cleary a very heated issue, one that will not be settled by a little debate in my blog. But, hopefully we can set some things straight, and make sure the poeple of the world know people that are against illegals are NOT against immigration PERIOD! I have great respect for people that come here legally, get a job, and try to make their life and the life of their family better! I can not praise those people enough. It is the illegal scum coming over the border that really gets under my skin. We COULD stop it, but there is no push by anyone in Congress to do so. (This would be the blog where I rip BUSH a new one...for all you Liberals out there, I am sure you are going to love it)!!!


This is the best one I have ever heard, I believe. There are jobs out there that I, as an American, would not do? I have to beg to differ. We DO still have an unemployment rate out there, which means there are people without jobs, which means they could do the work, it is just that they are to lazy to! The President and Congress know this. They know how lazy this nation has become over the years, and I am sorry but it is the truth.

So, to make things better for everyone, the crapy Congress allows illegal aliens to cross into our country without even questioning the reason. Just because they have given us the exuse that people just will not do the work. This is a lame exuse, and it does not work on people like me. Just think about it... It is not because YOU will not do the job, it is because the illegals will do it MUCH cheaper. Why would I pay you $10/hr to cut lawns with me, when I could pay an illegal $3? There would be no reason to, and that is why businesses do it. Do not take the crap about Americans will not do the jobs, because they will. Bush, when it comes to this issue, is dead wrong. He is so far from reality it makes me sick!


There is no doubt in my mind, from the things he has said and the bills he said he would sign, that Bush is looking for nothing but a North American Union, where there would be no borders. Well, let me clarify. What I mean is that he wants nothing more than to have an E.U. style Government in this Hemisphere, to one day coincide with the Europeans in some fashion or another.

Some people call me crazy for even writing this sometimes! I think it makes perfect sense, but others look at me like I have been dead for 12 years and just started walking around the room. It is scary. Some do not believe, or just do not want to believe, that the powers that be in this world would want to keep that power to themselves, setting up Governments that are a lot more powerful than the ones we see in this world today!

Now, I am not saying there is this secret group of people out there right now running the world until the day comes that we are all ready for the New World Order, or the Illuminati! That would be a far fetched Conspriacy, which I am not to found of in any case. I do believe, however, that there is something going on here, and I believe the other nations who would be involved in this, mainly Mexico, LOVES this idea to no end. To them, it would get their people into this country, and make the immigration laws of the United States moot! They could come and cross whenever they would feel like it, no matter what anyone said.

Threre is a movemnt out thre that would love to see this happen. I believe President Bush is involved very much in this movement. Until the day the immigration debate becomes a REAL debate in this country, all I can do is speculate on how this will turn out.

I would like to hear all your thoughts on this issue! Where do you stand on illegal immigration, and how long do think it will take for a Government like the E.U. to take hold in this Hemisphere?

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Allow me to comment on Doc's previous post. I have never smoked pot, or any illegal drug for that matter (though I have been an ass and smoked cigars/cigarettes). I think the use of pot can be dramatically decreased if parents paid more attention to their children. Rodney has touched on this subject on several occasions. It just seems parents aren't doing enough, nor are they paying due attention to their children. My parents, and at the time it drove me bonkers, were 'up my ass!' That being said, as I grew older, I had earned their trust and therefore was not bound by ridiculous curfews and constant snooping. Through high school, a lot of my friends wanted to drink any chance they got and went thru meticulous covert ways to achieve this. Hell, if I really wanted a beer all I had to do was ask my Dad and he would give me one. To me, the idea of drinking lost all its appeal since it wasn't really 'taboo.' Don't get me wrong, I enjoy a beer now and again; just not every night 6-10 at a time. I sincerely believe since my parents were very vigilant and educated me during my early childhood and pre-teen years, it strongly curtailed any chance for me to engage in illegal narcotic use and alcohol abuse. I realize a lot of the mainstream music today (specifically hip-hop) glorify drug use and a lot of people tend to blame the music. I, however, find that somewhat hard to swallow. I grew up listening to heavy metal and suffice it say, I have not killed my mother or tried to commit suicide (not that Tipper Gore and her minions at the PMRC insisted that is what metal was all about). Instead of blaming music and/or other media about your kid's problems, look in the friggin mirror. Being in a heavy-metal band and seeing rampant drug-use, a lot of fellow musicians would tell me that pot/coke/whatever 'gave them a high,' and/or 'mellowed them out.' Have you seen the habitual potheads 20 years later? There is a reason they are called 'burnouts.' Watch a few reruns of TAXI and pay close attention to the character of Jim Ignatowski (played by Christopher Lloyd) and you will know what I mean. As far as coke/crack/heroin, getting that kind of high that can KILL YOU seems counterproductive. Also, if it doesn't kill you, it turns you into a pathetic, lying, 2faced adulterer like a certain former pizza-chain franchisee that I know...

A serious issue that needs debate!

I have been talking to one of my good friends here on myspace today about something that has come up in a blog. This is a very sensitive subject for some people, but I belive, and so do some others, that there should be a forum set up here to talk about it. I am refering to drug use. Mainly Marijuana. I know there are some out there that are trying to push off the crazy idea that marijana is not bad for you....just do it! Yeah, I fell into that trap also. I felt like I had no friends and I just needed some weed sometimes. There is nothing wrong with that! Is there?

Well people, I am sorry to say but there is. There is no denying the facts. I am in no way interested in talking about medical things, but I believe this issue should be talked about right now, before we go ahead with other topics.

There is a sad trend in this country. That is there are more children out there using at even younger ages. Below is a chart of 8th, 10th, and 12th graders, and their marijana usage!

Percentage of 8th-Graders Who Have Used Marijuana:
Monitoring the Future Study, 2005

1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
Lifetime 16.7% 19.9% 23.1% 22.6% 22.2% 22.0%
Annual 13.0 15.8 18.3 17.7 16.9 16.5
30-day 7.8 9.1 11.3 10.2 9.7 9.7
Daily 0.7 0.8 1.5 1.1 1.1 1.4

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
Lifetime 20.3% 20.4% 19.2% 17.5% 16.3% 16.5%
Annual 15.6 15.4 14.6 12.8 11.8 12.2
30-day 9.1 9.2 8.3 7.5 6.4 6.6
Daily 1.3 1.3 1.2 1.0 0.8 1.0

Percentage of 10th-Graders Who Have Used Marijuana:
Monitoring the Future Study, 2005

1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
Lifetime 30.4% 34.1% 39.8% 42.3% 39.6% 40.9%
Annual 25.2 28.7 33.6 34.8 31.1 32.1
30-day 15.8 17.2 20.4 20.5 18.7 19.4
Daily 2.2 2.8 3.5 3.7 3.6 3.8

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
Lifetime 40.3% 40.1% 38.7% 36.4% 35.1% 34.1%
Annual 32.2 32.7 30.3 28.2 27.5 26.6
30-day 19.7 19.8 17.8 17.0 15.9 15.2
Daily 3.8 4.5 3.9 3.6 3.2 3.1

Percentage of 12th-Graders Who Have Used Marijuana
Monitoring the Future Study, 2005

1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
Lifetime 38.2% 41.7% 44.9% 49.6% 49.1% 49.7%
Annual 30.7 34.7 35.8 38.5 37.5 37.8
30-day 19.0 21.2 21.9 23.7 22.8 23.1
Daily 3.6 4.6 4.9 5.8 5.6 6.0

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
Lifetime 48.8% 49.0% 47.8% 46.1% 45.7% 44.8%
Annual 36.5 37.0 36.2 34.9 34.3 33.6
30-day 21.6 22.4 21.5 21.2 19.9 19.8
Daily 6.0 5.8 6.0 6.0 5.6 5.0

* "Lifetime" refers to use at least once during a respondent's lifetime. "Annual" refers to use at least once during the year preceding an individual's response to the survey. "30-day" refers to use at least once during the 30 days preceding an individual's response to the survey.

As you can see, this shows that CHILDREN are doing this stuff, not just adults! This is not just an issue of should it be legal for medical purposes, this is an issue of wheather it i right for children to be ruining their brains like they are! You think there is no effect to this stuff? Marijana has a main active substance called THC. THC has been shown to cause short to long term memory loss in people that use the drug! of course some people still refute this claim. It has never been proven one way or the other. My decission would be to air on the side of caution!

Effects on the Brain

Scientists have learned a great deal about how THC acts in the brain to produce its many effects. When someone smokes marijuana, THC rapidly passes from the lungs into the bloodstream, which carries the chemical to organs throughout the body, including the brain.

In the brain, THC connects to specific sites called cannabinoid receptors on nerve cells and influences the activity of those cells. Some brain areas have many cannabinoid receptors; others have few or none. Many cannabinoid receptors are found in the parts of the brain that influence pleasure, memory, thought, concentration, sensory and time perception, and coordinated movement4.

The short-term effects of marijuana can include problems with memory and learning; distorted perception; difficulty in thinking and problem solving; loss of coordination; and increased heart rate. Research findings for long-term marijuana abuse indicate some changes in the brain similar to those seen after long-term abuse of other major drugs. For example, cannabinoid (THC or synthetic forms of THC) withdrawal in chronically exposed animals leads to an increase in the activation of the stress-response system5 and changes in the activity of nerve cells containing dopamine6. Dopamine neurons are involved in the regulation of motivation and reward, and are directly or indirectly affected by all drugs of abuse.

Effects on the Heart

One study has indicated that an abuser's risk of heart attack more than quadruples in the first hour after smoking marijuana7. The researchers suggest that such an effect might occur from marijuana's effects on blood pressure and heart rate and reduced oxygen-carrying capacity of blood.

Effects on the Lungs

A study of 450 individuals found that people who smoke marijuana frequently but do not smoke tobacco have more health problems and miss more days of work than nonsmokers8. Many of the extra sick days among the marijuana smokers in the study were for respiratory illnesses.

Even infrequent abuse can cause burning and stinging of the mouth and throat, often accompanied by a heavy cough. Someone who smokes marijuana regularly may have many of the same respiratory problems that tobacco smokers do, such as daily cough and phlegm production, more frequent acute chest illness, a heightened risk of lung infections, and a greater tendency to obstructed airways9. Smoking marijuana possibly increases the likelihood of developing cancer of the head or neck. A study comparing 173 cancer patients and 176 healthy individuals produced evidence that marijuana smoking doubled or tripled the risk of these cancers10.

Marijuana abuse also has the potential to promote cancer of the lungs and other parts of the respiratory tract because it contains irritants and carcinogens9,11. In fact, marijuana smoke contains 50 to 70 percent more carcinogenic hydrocarbons than does tobacco smoke12. It also induces high levels of an enzyme that converts certain hydrocarbons into their carcinogenic form—levels that may accelerate the changes that ultimately produce malignant cells13. Marijuana users usually inhale more deeply and hold their breath longer than tobacco smokers do, which increases the lungs' exposure to carcinogenic smoke. These facts suggest that, puff for puff, smoking marijuana may be more harmful to the lungs than smoking tobacco.

I could go on and on with the facts that support that marijana is bad for you. But I think I would just bore the snot out of some of you, so, that is enough!

What I do not get is that why are people so caught up on making this drug legal? Is it going to make your life so much better if it is legal? I highly doubt it! The only thing this drug can do to you is mess you up...

There are KIDS out there right now smoking pot. They are in 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th grades, and people just do not seem to care about them. Once they start, people figure, it is to late. NO, it is not. Educate the kids on how this drug will harm you way more than it will help you!

But some poeple out there will not care about this. They do not care about the facts when I am writing about the War, or Taxes, or even the Hypocrisy from the left! Why would those same people listen NOW that this drug is bad for you.

Go ahead....debate it!!!!