For those who have not heard, Michael Moore has challenged Fred Thompson, Former Senator of Tennessee and possible candidate for the Presidency, to a debate over Thompsons critisizism of Moore's trip to Cuba! I am sure you all have heard about his trip to Cuba, and how it has caused many in the U.S. Government to look into why? here is Thompson's responce to Moore's request! This Thompson is REALLY good, and holds nothing back....He would be a GREAT pick for the President!!!
All 3 of us think liberalism is a mental illness. We just have different ways of expressing ourselves. This blog will try to bring sense to liberalism and/or the world. Every now and then, Doc & Tom may differ over sports, hoever we are mostly a current event-type of blog. We may weekly (daily, monthly) take an issue(s) and then Doc, Tom & Rod will chime in with their take. We will also attempt 'roundtable' discussions with people other than us. We love comments and WE WANT the hate mail! Give us your best shot!
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