Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Many topics here to discuss.....

Wow, where can I begin to even start with the day in news. Not a lot of REAL big news going on, but there was somethings that are worth putting in a blog tonight. As some of you may know, I am a true believer that something must be done about Iran's nuclear facilities before anything else can be done by them to harm the world.

Plus, I know this will be a heated debate: GAS PRICES!!! I do n ot know how many of you drive on a regular basis, probably many. I have some thoughts on this issue as well. Plus, look at the abortion blog in the morning. It will be updated a little.

The most important thing, I believe, on the minds of Americans right now is the rising price of gas. It has become something that it never should be, or never should have, which ever way you want to look at it. Yes, we can sit here and compare our price of gasoline to the price they pay in Europe, but I do not beoieve that does us any good here. We are not Europe. We are a nation that is depending way to much on others to give us our oil, and that will be our downfall at some point. The Environmental wackos have gone so far as to make sure we do not drill anywhere in Alaska, no matter what promises we make to them about being safe. And to top it all off, there has not been a new refinery built in this country for over 30 years! With all of that going on, how is this country ever going to get out of the world oil market and back to making and selling our own forms of energy. It does not even have to get to the point yet where we are running cars off of, ohh lets say, PURE ethenol. Yes, it would be nice to have these other types of energies work for us, but I do not believe that is the answer in the short term. The answer is get our own, so we do not have to depend on others, who may or may not be our friends to begin with.

We are playing a dangerous game here, and it just does not seem to be getting any better. Who knows if it ever will get better. All I know is that there are Americans that are troubled by the rising gas prices, and something needs to be done about it. It is almost the summer driving season, and by that time all of the nation will be paying over 3 bucks a gallon for gas...if you live in California...I am soooooo sorry! I really feel bad for you! But there is a reason for all of this, and it can all be traced back to the environmental people that are pushing for new regulations every single day. I am sorry, I am all for making the environment better, but these people have crossed the line into insanity. No steps that are taken are ever good enough for them, they always want more and more control over what you put into your car, and for that matter what kind of car you should drive. Give me a break, and let me drive an SUV if I want to drive an SUV. I am not hurting you, you will not die in 3 months because I have a big car! Get real, and face the reality that the environment people have more on their minds than just saving people from what may come out of your car when you are driving. These are the same people, by the way, who come make speeches about driving gas guzzling cars, then drive off in their Limos or Hummers! They al know where they can put their Hybrid car!!!


This issue is a never ending story. I have not written to much about this issue since the sailors were let go by the Iranians. But I believe it is one of the most important issues this country has, as far as National Security worries go at least. They are sending weapons into Iraq, and we do nothing about it. The President will not even stand up and say anything about it. The whole Administration must feel it is a mott point, but I do not believe it is. Something has to be done about the Iranians, and it must be done very soon. They are getting more powerful by the day, and when they get the bomb the dealing is all but over. They do not want to deal with us or anyone else for that matter. They want nothing more than what Hitler wanted, a world controlled by his people, no matter what it took. We now have a new Hitler on the scene, and he is the President of Iran! We have sat here for years and let him walk all over the United States for reasons we will just never know.

And just before I started writing this blog, I read a story from the New York Times online that says the IAEA has concluded that Iran has worked out most of the tech problems they had with enriching uranium, so mor can now be processed by the rouge regime. This puts them right near the capability to build a nuclear weapon. Why would be let this happen? Why would the world want any part of a nuclear Iran? There is a very simple answer to this question!

THE LEFT HAS SCARED THE RIGHT!!!! That is it in a nutshell, folks! The left has been against the war in Iraq for so long, and has tried to make peace with the Iranians, the people with any power on the right are afraid of what might be said if the President actually did strike Iran. It is sad, really. The President is looking at his poll numbers and think they matter to him right now. He will be gone out of office soon, and if he does not do something to try and break up what is going on in Iraq right now and put the Iranians down, we may all be in trouble...real big trouble.

Since there are more people in this blog now, I would love for a debate on both the issues I have wrote about tonight! Hope you like, and I will be back soon with more!!!


At 10:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Doc-

Unfortunately, even drilling in Alaska would only get us a couple years' worth of our own oil. We're just going to have to stop using so much. Ethanol is not a cure-all, but we need to work harder to explore alternative fuels, and improve the viability of public transportation systems while we're at it. There is much more flexibility in energy sources when it comes to electricity production; we should also be exploring which options are most suitable to which regions. IMO, we also need to get over our aversion to nuclear power.

You're partly right on the impact of environmentalists on oil prices. Crude contracts are high on speculation, but there is no actual shortfall of crude in the market. The problem is in the refineries...with each state setting its own standards for gasoline formulations, the refineries cannot work efficiently and prices get jacked up.

Fluctuations in prices relate directly to the speculative contract trading prices, but a big chunk of the baseline price is due to problems at the refinery level.

At 1:49 AM, Blogger Conservative T and T said...

Of course!!! So then the question is why have we not built any new refineries?

At 10:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The same reason we can't build prisons, rehab centers, or nuclear plants.


At 10:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know this post is old news, but thought I'd toss this out: http://money.cnn.com/2007/05/16/news/economy/oil_bythebarrel/index.htm?cnn=yes


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