Friday, May 11, 2007

The War is becoming a Liability!

I love to look at things through the eyes of a politician, because one day soon I hope to be one as well. The stradegy that must go into every single word you say, and every action you put forward, is amazing! No matter what you say or do, it will be on the evening news that day, without a doubt. That is what makes politics fun, it keeps you on your toes!

Recently, we have seen many Republicans take issue with the War in Iraq! Most of these Republicans are ones who are running for the Presidency in 2008! They know, as I do, backing this war could cost them their chance. Most will not go as far as to say we should get out of Iraq, but it is still early. The polling numbers have shown people just want to get the job done and get out..NOW! I am not one to base MY opinion on poll numbers, because those polls mean nothing to me. I am just a blogger putting out my view to everyone out there!

There is no doubt this war has been handled very badly, and right from the begining. I still believe it was right to go and take out Saddam, and that our troops were needed to do so and keep the Iraqi people safe in a uncertain time. But there has to be more than that being done, and I believe it has not been done yet!

It seems that almost every single day I find myself standing up for Bush on this issue, because I am one who believes what he did was right. That does not mean I believe HOW he did it was the right way. here is a difference here, and it is one of the points I do NOT agree with President Bush on. He thinks he can sit back and just run out the term as President and not answer questions about what went wrong.

Was it that we did not have enough troops? Is it that we are not doing enough to stop Iranians from coming into Iraq and bringing weapons to the terror cells located in Iraq? It could be those things, which I do believe we should have had more troops when we started this whole thing. But the fact that nothing is being done to stop the Iranians is the biggest problem Iraq faces right now. There has to be something that can be done to stop them from bringing in those weapons, and we all know they are doing it for one reason and one reason only: To make sure the United States does not win this war. They would like nothing more (Iran) than for us to pack up and leave, so they can take over as the force in Iraq.

We could get up and leave, and that is an option. But there is no way of telling we will not be back there 2 years from now helping them get rid of Iranian scum who have taken over! There is no telling what would happen if they did take over in Iraq. We would be forced to do something, because we took out ONE dictator already in Saddam, and we can not let the country fall again to another rouge regime! That is just NOT an option, no matter who the President is.

Iran has threatened the United States and its allies, most important of those Israel. A strike would almost damage them completely, especially with a nuclear weapon. It would either start a nuclear war in the Middle East, or worse Israel would be taken over by the Iranians. Yes, that is a WORST CASE SENARIO, but it is still possible. All you have to do is read the words that come out of Ahmadimajad's mouth, and you will see this is a threat!

So, my question to you people is this: Has this war become something that it should not have been and what do you think the reason for all the problems are? Yes, I know there are terrorists in the country causing chaos. But I believe the reasoning goes far beyong that!


At 8:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great work.


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