Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Rudy donated to "PLANNED PARENTHOOD"


There is the address to the story at the POLITICO.com!


This is a blow to his campaign with the Religious Conservatives out there, there is no doubt about it. I had some questions about him before, but this just makes me think even less of him now. It is not bad enough the guy does not know if he is pro-choice or pro-life, but then he did this and expects Conservatives to believe he is pro-life? He has got a lot of explaining to do if he expects to even have a chance from here on out.

Fir those of you who do not know, Planned Parenthood is a group that is well known for their "ABORTION ON-DEMAND" mentality! They have made it very clear that a women should be able to get an abortion when she wants to, and the state should stay out of it all together. Here are a few other restrictions they are opposed to.....

  • laws requiring parental consent or notification for girls under the age of 18 (or 17 in some states) to have an abortion
  • laws requiring an ultrasound before abortion (many Planned Parenthood clinics perform, but do not require, ultrasounds)
  • laws requiring a waiting period (ranging from a couple of hours to a day or more)

As you can see, if you knew nothing of this group already, they are totally against what the right is for in this country. I have no idea how Rudy could have let this happen, if he had aspirations to run for the Presidency one day. He might as well jump over onto the Democratic Ticket, he may have a better chance of winning! The guy is done.....


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