Monday, May 07, 2007

Understanding Liberalism Vol. 1

Maybe I can use this title later too, it may come in handy! Anyway, this is the first of many blogs I am going to do on Liberalism and how we on the right can understand why they do what they do. I know, I know, some of you people are saying there is no way we will ever understand the Liberal Mind and how it thinks. That may be true, people! But, give me a chance...who knows, I may surprise the heck out of you!

As I have written over the past several weeks, I have seen people come to my blog with many different viewpoints on many different issues. I love to see you all post comments, even though some of them make me sick to my stomach, it is good to see people actually still do have an opinion about the REAL issues in this country!

Having said that, there are some issues out there that just need to be talked about further, and other issues that need to be put out there. This is where understanding Liberalism comes in! I have seen some whoppers in my time, but there has been nothing like some of the comments from the left on this blog about everything from religion to where we have the right to say what we want to say.


As I have shown with the posts I made last week, this is totally wrong, and they are nothing but liars and cheaters trying to take the one thing we have to look to in this country and say it is our own....OUR SPEECH! It is only free speech until you say something that other people do not like, and then it is either hate speech or the Left will give you a long explanation in the form of a Congressional Bill saying that everyone has the right to say what they want, but only when it is convenient for others in the minority.

Can we say that if all speech was regulated and held to a bar that would not only separate when and how we can talk on certain things, but also who can do that talking, it would make this country a better nation? Regulating speech was something done by the nuts in the Soviet Union, not in the United States of America. Now I know some people have this thing with the Soviets, looking up to them, seeing that if they could push the agenda of the Communists, they could get ahead. This is what George Soros has done, and he would like nothing more than to limit the speech of people he just flat out hates!

I do not even want to go into George Soros and what he has done to ruin the life of many people over the years...if you want to read about him and his dealings, there are books out there you can find to rip him a new one with. The guy is nuts, and sees himself as the funder of the next wave of Communism in this country...only this time under a different name.

There is nothing we on the right can do to stop Soros....he has to much money and way to much pull to ever stop. There is only one way to limit people like him from taking this country and throwing it down the toilet, and is play the same game as he is! If he wants to limit speech and wants to limit contributions to candidates, then that is all fine. I would like to see him also censored. That would mean no more interviews on CNN or anywhere else for that matter. No contributions to the far left of the Democratic Party, because he obviously wants to HURT this nation!

Of course you know nothing I said there was true, and it cannot be done. We can NOT stop him from spending his money to try and buy elections, or even try to buy candidates for that matter. He can go on TV when he feels like it and say what he wants to say.....AN THAT IS EXACTLY WHY EVERYONE ELSE SHOULD ALSO! If there are people like Soros in this world that want to limit the speech of Americans who speak for many of us, that only tells me they are afraid of what they are hearing. This is not about a free exchange of ideas anymore with this Party, it is all about getting THEIR word out in more sections of the country then the other side, WHATEVER THEY HAVE TO DO!

I know I said I would try to give you a glimpse into understanding the left, but I think that may just be a little to hard in this case. Why would people ever want to limit speech in a country where we are supposed to have FREE speech. I guess the founders did make a mistake, they should have put in their we are allowed ALL the FREE speech we want, and it can not be limited by a rouge government entity run by the extreme left. You want an explanation for why they are doing what they are doing....go somewhere else because I do not got it with me right now, and I am not to sure anyone does! Is it because they want to control by any means necessary? That may be it, but I think the lefts thinking goes way beyond just having the podium at all times. It is a matter of not letting people hear the truth....


We on the right are wrong about Global Warming, and that is the truth! Do you know how I know this? Because Al Gore and his henchmen told us this...that is how!

There is no explaining this off any other way then the Left wants us all to stand in a line and follow what they say, no matter how many people out there say they may be wrong. This also goes with the free speech topic of before, considering that their view on the climate is dead on and no one can say anything to disprove them...or at least in their little skulls that is how it is played!

Why do I have to sit here and listen to people like Al Gore tell me that he is right and I am wrong, because he was the Vice-President? Give me a break, the guy is nothing but a liar...just like the President he served under, and we are expected to listen to a person like this? And never ask questions?

Understanding this whole theory and why they do not want others out there giving their own is just way to hard for anyone to even try to contemplate. Why would I, anyway? Both of these topics have the same answer when asking how and why do the Libs get away with any of this....and that is because they THINK WE ARE STUPID! We can not make decisions for ourselves, and make rational opinions, so they believe they have to make them for us. No matter what kind of person you are, if you are on the right in this country you are either a bigot, a homophobe, or a Nazi! You are never right, even though your on the right!

So fellow right wingers out not worry! I know there will be people that say we are wrong and that their way is the only way. WE are the party of free ideas, and letting people have their opinion no matter what they may think. The left is a little different, and has clearly shown by their actions over the past week that they do not care about the rights of all, just the people that have that Democratic Voting Card!


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