Friday, March 23, 2007

This is a post from my myspace blog...ENJOY!!!

This is the 12th post of the week, and I am pretty sure my own g/f is not even reading my posts..LOL...Thats ok. Other people have, and thats a good thing none the less. I was hoping I would come home tonight and find something to write about, but I have not so, I guess it is back to the same old same old thing. I am getting sick of writing about the 2008 election, and it is only 2007! I guess thats not to good for a person interested in politics like I am. It is just getting so dull this time. I remember when I was writing during the last Presidential election. Many of you were not even here to read what I wrote..I guess I have come a long way since then.

It is not the election that bothers me so much it is the lack of "talent" on the side of the Republicans that gets me worried. I love MItt Romney, do not get me wrong. I have been saying this throughout that he just does not get the base moving like I think he could. But let us get off the election for a few minutes, and go on to other things that are on my mind....

EDUCATION: I have no idea why this has been on my mind as of late. Mainly education as it pertains to Universities. I have been reading a lot about the biases on college campuses, and I have to say that the left is doingntheir job in keeping the right wing out of most public colleges in this country. It is sad really that they will push socialism down peoples throats, but not Capitalism. They will tell students that Christians are the devil, yet they should respect Islam because it is PC to do so. I am sorry, but when has this country, or even its people for that matter, ever cared about being PC. (And for those of you that do not know, I mean Politically Correct...not Poop Cramps). Do not ask how that came up, but it did!

All of you should go to my page and watch the trailer for a new movie coming out called "Indoctrinate U." I have to say this documentary looks very good, and looks like something the left will NOT want you to see. The indoctrination of college students at public Universities has to stop. I do not think I had to tell any of you that, but the thing is how the heck are we supposed to stop it? We need an education to make something of ourselves. If we question Professors we are looked down upon by those professors and others in the student body that have the same ideals as the professor. There is not much for us to do. I feel this a lot isnce I am a Political Science Major and have taken many courses in History and in politics. The way the United States is portrayed is nothing like it really is, yet no one gets up to question these schools on what they are teaching the leaders of tomorrow! It really gets under my skin when I have a professor come into the room on the first day of class and tell the room that he believes that Bush planned 9/11 so he could go to war with Iraq for the oil! What does that have anything to do with European History? Nothing at all people, nothing at all. I have had professors compare Bush to Hitler, Stalin, and Mousallini. I just want to scream, but feel like I can say nothing because I do not want a lower grade. At time, you can feel out the professor, and some of them are open to a debate on their belifs. But many times that is not the case. You better believe what you are being taught or else! That is what these professors want. Most of them are 60's radicals with tenure. Their tenure is worht more than an education that is without bias, I suppose!?

There are just some things in this world that you have to deal with, and being at a public University, that is one of them. Just si there and take it and do not let them indoctrinate YOU! Sometimes it is hard, they get you thinking that their side maybe right, which it never is because as we know Liberalism always generates the exact opposite of its stated intent! I am sure these people mean well, but their Marxists teachings are going to ruin this country to the point we may never get it back. I am not saying my generation is full of morons, but I am coming close to saying it. I would not trust to many people that I know with a desicion to go to war or not, that is for sure. I would not trust them to make important desicions for this nation and the world, either! That is just sad that I even have to admit that. But the fact is that the professors are trying to groom the next generation of leaders to come out with a world view that just does not compute with reality. No one in their right mind wants a communistic regime to run this country, yet we are getting closer and closer to that. As I read on a shirt the other day, " The only difference between Socialism and Communism is that Communism already have the weapons!" Is that not the truth or what people!?

Colege students, keep a watchful eye on your professors and do not let them indoctrinate you. That is the most important thing we can do as conservative students! If we can do that, maybe this country will survive to fight another day!


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