Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Nancy Pelosi promised her base that if they were elected, the House and Senate Democrats would make the United States better right off the bat. They would start on the first day and pass laws to help the "lower" class of people, and take the money away from the rich. As we all know, being rich in a country that is run by socialists is wrong, and we should all share the wealth unless you are the ones making the rule then you are immune to having to pay more taxes I guess. Tying to understand the Liberal mind makes me want to break something. Whenever you think you are on top of whatever it is they are whining about, there is something else there just to make you sick. It could be many things like abortion, education, the way the Government is run in general. All these things have Liberals go crazy when it is election time. But when it is time to go to work and get something done they do nothing but do their best to try and find a way to Impeach Bush. Is this why they were elected? I highly doubt their base thought that when they regained control they would do nothing but ask stupid questions of people in the Bush Administration!

The new thing in the Democratic party now is going after Bush for the firing of 8 U.S. Attorneys, for which he has every single right to do as President. But they still question him and ask why he did it, like he did it for some way to get out of trouble. Even if it was politically motivated, he still has the right to get rid of them when he sees fit. That is what the White House and Justice Department did, and now they have to take what is going to be given to them by Congress. Liberalism is a mental disorder.......

What else can be said about what is going on in this country today. We have our leaders doing nothing about the problems that we are facing in the world, and it just does not seem like they even care anymore. Is there anything that we can do to help out and get the word out. Tom, Rodney and I are doing our part. But this is just something small in the whole world of politics and the bickering that ensues. I could sit here and write all night long, but if people will not read it what will it help. I have been posting on a few other sites where I have been getting some response out of people, and that is a good thing. We all have to understand that this fight will not be easy, because the Libs will stop at nothing to have everything back the way it used to be under the Clinton Administration. I guess that means all the lying and selling off nuclear secrets would come back as well.

They do not want us to be a sovereign nation. Hell, I truly have a hard time believing Bush wants this to be one. The way he talks about NAFTA, it is like he wants to throw the borders away and be like the E.U., which is very troubling to me. There is not that one Conservative out there that can help this party grow, and that is sad. I have put my support behind Mitt Romney for no other reason that because the two front runners in the Republican party are Democrats in disguise. What happened to this party?

I wish I had the answer to that, but sadly do not. We as the "LITTLE PEOPLE" must keep our eyes out for what the Liberals are saying and beat it back in their face. If we do not, they will beat Socialism right into our homes!


At 11:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

'we're going to lose?' I assume you are talking about our incursion into Iraq...

At 7:10 PM, Blogger Conservative T and T said...

No, actually, I was talking about the crappy job that the Dems have done since taking office. Now, it is even worse, finding out that it is a DEMOCRAT of all people who is lying about making money off the war! (Fienstien)


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