Saturday, December 09, 2006

The United States Humanitarian Efforts Dictates World Stability!

The United States gives away the most money and food than any other country in the world, but the nations that we give these things to still hate us. Why do they hate us so much?

If you listen to the different groups in the country, I guarantee that you will have a different answer from each faction.

If you listen to the Liberal Democrats or Democrats in general you will get two reasons:

The first reason is because George W Bush is president and the world hates him. I can’t really swallow that answer because these groups have hated us before he was even president. This theory may make a great lie for a campaign, but doesn’t fit into reality. They are so stuck on trying to destroy this man; they will say anything to accomplish this goal.

Another theory they have is the fact that we are one of the wealthiest nations in the world. The liberals feel as though we should give up all that we have so they will look at us as equals. Does this make sense to you? This is totally irrational in the fact that who would want to reverse the direction their country is going. This would be like telling our scientists to invent a square wheel so we will be behind other developing countries so they will feel they are getting ahead of us.

The Republicans will give you some theories as well:

The Republican theory is closer to being correct because they understand these people are in some of the poorest conditions that humans should have to endure, so they are persuaded by their leaders in government that we have caused their hunger and we are an evil nation that has it all and will not give it up. The reality is that these “leaders” generally are selling the food that is dropped in so they can buy weapons to kill their people or their neighbors.

I will add to this theory because of their physical condition. Hunger causes people to be very suggestive. These people look to their leaders hoping they will have news that they are getting food soon, but they usually here the propaganda about why they are in this condition and there is a lot of blaming of the wealthier nations not sharing what they have.

As a whole whether you are a Republican or a Democrat, they don’t want to see people starving and fighting over food. Our country drops thousands of tons of food every year. We drop this food and a lot of these people still hate us. I won’t waste time going into the fact that the Muslim countries hate us for the simple fact that we are infidels; this sows this whole argument up.

When natural disaster happen who is the first country on the scene with help? The United States government brings in food by airlift and fresh water so these people will be able to survive the ordeal. We send money so these countries can afford to bring in contractors to help rebuild their infrastructure. When we have our natural disasters, who has come to help us? They don’t come because they think “that’s their problem” or they don’t have the money to do that. I could agree that we do the money to take care of our problems, but an offer would be nice.

Here is the question of the century: What if we suspend our entire Humanitarian Aide Program? Let’s take this a step further with the question at hand: What would happen to world stability if we suspend our entire Humanitarian Aid Programs?

If these programs were suspended the impacts would be quite disastrous. There are countries in the world that rely heavily if not entirely on our food drops or shipments. We don’t look and see what religion the country follows, but if they have people in need. If the people are in need we will drop the food or deliver it if possible. Many people would die as a result of no drops or deliveries.

If we stopped distributing food, there would still be religious groups that would still do this, but don’t have the capacity that we have for massive drops. We also have an abundance of food that we can distribute. After the food distributed was used up, the instability would start.

The people in these countries would go insane from the hunger. This is a scientific fact, that people that are starving resort back to their primal roots of survival, and that means they will be willing to do anything to get food and fresh water. They would start to attack each other and the government that has lied to them about the food situations. After they have exhausted what little food they have found, they will start attacking their neighbors taking their food, or eating them.

The point is that these countries would become more unstable than they already are and their countries would return to barbarism. The situation could give other countries with military advantages to take them over, but would find the same situation that the other leaders had. They have roaming groups of starving people, hoards of barbarians.

This is a buffer used with smaller and poorer countries that decide to start threatening their neighbors with force or decide they should start using the money they have for nuclear weapons. We threaten and have used economic sanctions against them and threaten to cut off food aid so they will listen. I think compromise would be a better option than facing hungry mobs of your own people.

We give economic aid to countries that experience natural disasters. What would happen if we didn’t show up and the UN didn’t have our money to spend? Their infrastructure would never be rebuilt as many of these nations built their countries with the American dollar. They would still have the roaming hoards of people and they would have disease and displaced people. Refugees would pour from one country to the next looking for new homes.

The immigration would then start into wealthier nations of Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. It would be interesting to see some of these countries that are hard on our immigration problems to have the same of their own. I think that there attitudes would change drastically!

The world that we know would change drastically and quickly. I think the hate would calm down because they realized who was taking care of them and they may slightly appreciate us rather than hating us. I am a realist and understand that many of them would still hate us, but you can keep them at bay a littler easier.

The United States as I stated before spends billions of dollars on aid to different foreign countries. This money is a burden to us and our future generations financially. This money comes from the tax treasury in the forms of cash or IOU forms. It’s quite feasible to say that at some point in time we may have to cut back our aid because of the large expenditures.

We have domestic hunger problems that seriously need addressed. We are the most powerful, industrialized, and wealthy country in the world but have severe problems with poverty. I do feel for the other countries less fortunate than we are, but we need to look at caring for our own people first.

Our aid is what helps keep the world stable and keeping wars from breaking out in underdeveloped and third world nations. I’m sure that I will hear that this doesn’t affect developed nations and that is true, but there are more poor countries than rich. Those discussions will come in another blog.

I believe that we should help those in need as this is what God would want us to do, but I think that other countries should work with us and help out by donating food or helping us out financially with the burden. I think the UN should work within these means instead of pledging out our money and food like a blank check.

What would be wrong with helping these countries build infrastructure so their people can build business and get their economies jumpstarted. This would depend on if the leaders of these countries would be willing to do that. A lot, but not all of them want to keep their countries in the Dark Ages.

The American spirit is one of giving when any people are in times of need, but we need to look at helping our people as well as others. When we show mercy we will be granted mercy according to the Bible. I think that we should help those that are in need, but not foot the entire bill for the effort.


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