Saturday, October 14, 2006

So, the latest word in liberal nonsense is that our honorable president orchestrated the destruction of the World Trade Centers.
You know, it's bad enough that some college students are naive enough to believe such rot. It's even worse that college graduates can be persuaded to swallow it too. It is, however, a disgrace beyond reason that college professors not only can be made to buy such trash, but to come up with and teach it!
Now I could see if the supposed conspiracy were that Bush purposely allowed our enemies to break into secure airspace to attack us, but even that is more risk than any man in his right mind would ever take to accomplish the goal of expanding defense. I mean, there has got to be a better plan for convincing Joe Public that defense spending needs to increase than by jeopardizing his presidency allowing some of America's most significant buildings to be compromised.
This is almost unbelievable -- even for liberals...



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