Saturday, September 23, 2006

I just got done reading Toms' post. I am here at work, probably should be working but just HAD to write something about this. I just HAD to get in on the debate on religion and who and what should be seen where....if you follow that!? I am reading along and I see that the "Veggie Tales" may suggest a religious leaning one way or the other. Well no crap. Perfect example of Liberalism and how every religion EXCEPT for Christianity is right on all the time, depending on who they are talking to at that particular moment. Especially since 9/11 all we here from the left is that we should be "TOLERANT" to others with differences!!! HA! Lets see me go to Iran and start reading the Bible out loud. Lets see how "TOLERANT" those fanatics are toward me! I would be murdered IMMEDIATLY! I am done being tolerant, and for that matter being nice to these so called intellects on the left. These men are nothing but nutt jobs, seriously. Start at the top of the mountain in the Democratic Party with Howard Dean. This man has called George W. Bush every single name in the book, but still we do not look down on him for it. Too many people in this country applaud when Dean opens his yap.

Understanding too why the Libs are like this will go along way in realizing what is going on in this country today with religion! They HATE God, they DESPISE the word God and everything that has anything to do with God! Yes, they play it off during election time. They will go to church and have that photo op. But do not be fooled by their games of deciet, these men are masters at disquising what they are really meaning to do! The atheistic culture in America is taking hold and the libs are responisible for it! Look who votes to keep the words "Under God" in the Pledge of alligience!? It is the Republicans that do, and the Dems say we should take it out because not ALL people believe in God. SO what!! I have to hear the Muslims in America cry about how they are not treated fairly, yet we search every other person getting on a plane EXCEPT FOR the Muslims! Being more "OPEN" to new ideas in this way is a load of crap. They are pushing their Hippy ideas onto the children of today, and unless these children are strong, they will fall for the trap. Certainly the parents do not care anymore. They rather get drunk and high and let their kids do the same because it would be Hypocritical to tell them to stop. Sometimes we have to be hypocritical, and in that case I sure as hell would be.

I am getting off point though, which sometimes I do.

The most important thing about religion, our children, and TV is that they will never mix. NBC is to Politically correct, as well as all the other major news networks! Being as politically correct as they are have hurt their programming, but not the programming that means nothing to anyone, especially children. Cut off the Veggie Tales, thats all right. But God forbid they tone down any of their other shows. I have to be honest, I would love to campare shows on NBC, but I know of one show on the whole station. So, comparing them would be pointless.

The point of this whole ramble that I just let out is that the LEFT has invaded the children of today, the leaders of tomorrow, to brainwash them with their socialistic trash! It is up to the parents and the parents alone to do something about this right away, before it is too late and you lose your children to one of the MOST dangerous diseases to ever hit these lands....LIBERALISM!!!!!



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