Sunday, September 24, 2006

Hey-diddly-ay, fellow bloggers. Rodney here and it's time for me to address an issue common to my little part of the world. The issue? The way our liberal society has gone out of its way to supress religion -- especially Christianity.

First thing's first. As you may already know, NBC has begun airing episodes of VeggieTales, a CGI cartoon in which talking vegetables convey positive, Biblically-based messages from the Word of God. You may also be aware that references to God have now been edited out as casually as one might swat a mosquito.
Now let's all try to be rational about this for just a moment. The very foundation of VeggieTales is rooted in the belief in a single omnipotent being as He (that's right, Gloria, I said He) is percieved by orthodox Christianity. You take hydrogen out of water, it's no longer water. You take God out of VeggieTales, it's a singing garden salad.
This my friends is just what liberalism cannot understand. They claim that their goal is to reach out to everyone by never daring to make so outrageous a claim as to suggest that any one viewpoint is "right" or "wrong." The question then is this: Just exactly how do you appeal to people from all walks of life with a show whose core beliefs are built around the idea that moral and ethical absolutism is an accepted truth? Furthermore, if you neuter the message of said show, how are you appealing to the audience for whom the show was originally intended? The answer, of course, is that you do not. Jesus said that men cannot serve two masters. He will love one and despise the other. The Bible further adds that those who are lukewarm (double-minded) will be cast out from God. The sad thing about liberalism, is that they seek to serve no master at all -- except their own agendas. You see, the simple fact is that what determines those things which are "politically correct" and those which are not is simply a matter of what will benefit the liberal agenda or not. This of course is subject to change as often as need be to assist them in their goals, because as the Bible also teaches, a double-minded man is unstable in all his ways and is tossed about like a wave driven by the wind.
So why is it that the media is extending the olive branch to Christendom so long as it can repackage their message with their own brand of Jesus-flavored substitute? The same reason that a philanderer is sure to make it to his photo-op with a Bible in hand as he leaves church. It's all for show. If their intention were really to appeal to everyone they wouldn't allow cursing and elicit sexual situations, etc. to besmirch the eyes of their more old-fashioned viewership. The bottom line is that they fail to recognize that if you intend to provide a selection of shows vast enough to appeal to a range of humanity as diverse as those found in this wonderful land, you will never, I repeat, never succeed in not chaffing someone else's worldview. I imagine if loving Jesus sold as much beer as T&A you'd see an entirely different posture from the network executives. Sadly, it is not merely that good manners and moral uprightness aren't moving merchandise that has transformed our society into a people that censors the name "God" in the phrase "God damn" (honestly, which half of that would you rather have your kids hear?). No, the reason God and all His absolutes have been supressed is because He and people who think like Him are a threat. To what? To the Liberal's strangle-hold on your mind.
Think about it. Was it sheep mentality that told some of the wealthiest men in history to throw away their wealth and resist the British empire so that all men were free to pursue their own paths? I think not. With God throwing around His crazy notions of "right" and "wrong" and personal responsibility, hard-work and such, people might start thinking for themselves. They may not even need Liberals to think for them and tell them what to do and how to do it. Herein is the problem. If one's goal were really to reach all audiences, he or she would provide equal time to all points of view and not apologize if someone doesn't like it.

The law of this land guarantees that you have the right to express yourself, not that you will be heard. It's obvious what kind of people care so much about what others think that they act as though they have to listen to the popular voice. Maybe if folks hadn't let the opinions of others matter so much we wouldn't live in such a sissified society where so-called strong people throw tantrums whenever they get offended and Liberals are poised to run every facet of our existences. Maybe if folks would quit caring what everyone else thought America could take back its right to think freely.



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