Friday, September 29, 2006


Jimmy had a field trip today to Sharon Optical to learn about eyes, eyeglasses, stuff like that. I was one of the parents who volunteered to shuffle the kiddies in our minivan so I got to spend the whole day with the class. Towards the end of the class, the teachers put out a snack and then said a prayer. I realize prayer is being blasted/banned from publich schools across the country, however, the way Jimmy's teacher went about it was a great solution. "Pray if you want to." Simple and to the point. Jimmy, EVEN THOUGH HE IS NOT {INSERT ANY CHRISTIAN FAITH OTHER THAN THAT OF ARMENIAN ORTHODOX}, decided he wanted to pray. I fail to see any harm in this. It did not scar him for life that it was not a prayer in my family's faith. How can this bother people? I just do not get it. Its not like teachers across the country are telling the children, 'ok, time to strap a bomb on yourself and go blow up some people.' Liberals, gotta love 'em.....NOT


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