Friday, September 29, 2006


There are a few things that i would like to say. Lets start with the upcomming election, because it is fast approaching. The Democrats look to take back the Senate, and maybe even the House of Reps. if it is in the cards for them to do so, and put them one step away from controlling our whole system of government...the Senate, House, President, and of course the courts! People are blind to the fact that these Dems are in no way working to help the middle or lower classes of this country, and they go on thinking the way their parents taught them to think! Well, my father taught me to think, and I think these people are going out of their minds! No matter what happenes in the next few weeks, these upcomming elections will be very close. It will take the likes of people like you and me to talk to the people that may still be on the fence and show them that the decisions they make really do matter, especially when dealing with the wacko left and giving them more power than they have now! I mean, come on people, can you imagine....House Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi? That is one of the most frightening things that could ever happen to this country, only behind a nuclear attack by the Iranians and another Clinton in the White House! We have to wake people up, and that is why i am here in the first place. Thats why I was asked you all can read the truth. Lets see how many listen to the truth.

I understand what someof you reading this may be saying about me personally. If you know me you are saying this kid has no idea what he is talking about, he has always been an idiot! And if you do not know me you are saying that I am too young..I do not know how the world works yet! Well, let me tell both of you groups something. I can rip you people a new one as easily as anyone, and I will! Do not come here and tell me that I do not know what I am talking about, then just leave and do not debate me. You Liberals are SCUM! Go back to your friends in Russia, you Communistic scum of the earth! You welcome Chavez into our country with open arms...LIBERALISM! You welcome Ahmademajad into this traitors! Our founders would have just got rid of you people by any means nessesary for screwing with this country the way you are! You do not deserve to call yourself rat scum!

Do you sence a little bit of anger with me today? I just can not help it. These people are trying to ruin the fabric of our country, and you and I, well, not me..but maybe you, are just sitting there and taking it. GET UP AND SAY SOMETHING!!! Something must be done, this blog starts something brand new for a lot of us. If you people listen to anything that I ever have to say, listen right now! These people are trouble. Nothing but trouble. Tom, Rodney, and I are here to tell you that, and give you examples of their stupidity. No matter what happenes, i will tell you how it is. Now, when I was at Tom's the other day, he was reluctant to get into the Iran issue. Later today, when I get another few minutes, I am going to write about that. Lets see if I can stir up some feathers from within the ranks as well as outside!


At 9:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

the three of you need to come out of the closet and get into the log cabin (republican gay group). gay frustrated losers. do any of you actually have any jobs? if you do, ask for more hours. you have way too much time on your hands.
12 years of conservative congress, 6 of bush and u still blame liberals?
fuck,the way you define liberals, they dont even exist. most democrats are christian. hell, the us has never had a more christian population (as defined by church attendance). i understand that the 3 of u have meaningless lives and attacking imagionary problems gives your empty lives meaning, but seriously, how about jobs or better jobs or doing gay porn? u can do gay-veggie-christian porn where you cum in one anothers mouth's and as you swallow it (plus veggies) down you can quote a bible verse. faqs, fags, fags, fags, you fuckers are so damn gay. it is not even worth analyzing your statements.
hey, shitfuck, what if the leader of you childs field trip gave a satanic prayer, with the same option to participate. would that go over? i mean, whether one prayers to jesus or casper the friendly ghost, one is only talking to something invisible as well as unverifiable.
and, assmunch, so what about veggie tales????? NBC is privately owned. if you are conservative, then private companies can do what they fucking want. how can the gov. tell them what to do? and if the creator wanted the christian message left in, then its his fault for being a fucking piece of shit negotiator. i mean, are you guys fucking gay and think the gov. has the right to tell people what to show on tv?? i mean, the remote control is hard to learn, especially for the education level you guys seem to have, but seroiusly, find a 5 year old child that u dont mind listening to and they will show you how to turn channels off. christianity has not had as much power as they do now since they were allowed to burn witches based on the tesitimony of children setting up adults they did not like!!!!
and for christs sake, most of the founding fathers were liberals, and not the goddamn regan liberal type spin. they believed in rationalism and wanted the gov. out of their lives. they split three ways into atheists, rationalists and christians. jefferson (thats the guy who wrote the declaration of independance, by the way, as well as a president and was also the main author of the constitution) denied the divinity of christ. church and state was fought over back then as it is now and will never be decided. the courts are weaker now than ever (do u fuckers even know what common law means???) and the gov., whether dem or repub keeps getting more and more powerful and now tried to regulate more things than ever and u fuckers are nothing more than coulter/hannity/whatever robots. the only good point anyone even made that is origional whatsover is the statement about fence sitters being wishy-washy. unfortunately, that wise statement was used to promote christian propaganda.
well, i could critique your blog 4ever, but is not worth it. do u people even know you sound like robots. either start writing something origional or start fucking one another up the ass, because u sound like fags who are angry because they cant get man ass and therefore put on an air of righteousness and attack everyone for n ot making such noble sacrifices. i mean, i hate gays too, but why are you so angry about being gay. dont hate yourselves. its ok to be gay. just start sucking one another off and you might come up with some origional thought. dont hate liberals for bs reasons, hate liberals because u hate conservatives less.
i surf the web for blogs and read blogs all day long. yours is by far one of the worst. see if u can do better and i will check back and give u a grade.
and, if u guys cant handle this criticism (which would be wierd, coming from such a group of hard asses, or at least a group of actors who try to act like hardasses) i will then apologize and take back my comments, as i dont want a bunch of closet candy asses crying like a bunch of sercret liberal bitches.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

At 3:42 PM, Blogger DOC said...

Come out and say who you are you circus freak! I could not even read all of it, it was like you have some kind of fetish with gays, as much as you talk about them! You make absolutly no points what so ever, and if I did not know better I would guess that you dropped out of High school when you were about 19 and in the 9th grade, can not get a job over minimum wage, and frequent gay bars often, even though you have a wife...Am I off base??

WHO CARES!!! The fact of the matter is that you make no points and it is really diterburbing that you hate Christians. I mean, not that I care. I am not here to indoctrinate you or anyone else. zYour a sick freak. I need a life prick, no sir, you need the life. ohhh, I surf the web and read blogs all day, and when I find one that doesnt Hail Hitler and Stalin I call it gay! Thats really cool! Maybe you should read once in a while, get yourself informed about subjects that we are talking about, and learn how to debate like a normal human being. B/c you are the worst debater I have ever seen write in my life.

All you did here was make a fool out of yourself, which probably is not that hard. You could have posted a picture of yourself on the blog here, saved the time and energy of you writing, and Tom, Rodney, and I would have still gotten the same laughter out of it! This is just really really funny!

You need to read a little, then come back. B/c I am writing this while I am doing 3 other things and it makes more sence than what your reply was...kinda sad huh..a 22 year old that can out write, and outwit you any day of the week. Thats why I am who I am, and thats why God hates you and you will burn in hell while I laugh!

At 3:42 PM, Blogger DOC said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

At 11:29 AM, Blogger Tom said...

b4 anyone claims we delete comments, the 'deleted comment above' was doc's double-posted reply. go bears.

At 11:29 AM, Blogger Tom said...

b4 anyone claims we delete comments, the 'deleted comment above' was doc's double-posted reply. go bears.

At 11:31 AM, Blogger Tom said...

...and then I go and double-post. Nice, nice....yaknowhatimeanbro?

At 12:08 PM, Blogger Tom said...

Doc and Rod pretty much summed up any response I could attempt. However, I am intrigued. Can you please, whomever you are, send me the link to this 'log cabin' republican gay group? I would love to hear what they have to say. Also, any chance of you 'coming out of the closet' (sorry, couldn't resist) and revealing just exactly who you are? I would enjoy reading more of your well-thought and intelligent posts to other blogs. We would welcome you and Joanna (the one who pointed out our 'small-town, uneducated loser status) to participate in a round-table discussion of sorts. Again, thanks for your comments and keep them coming; thanks for reading!


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