Ok, I know this will ruffle a lot of feathers but I just feel the need to bitch about it: The good 'ol 'holiday season.' The 'holiday season' includes T'giving and Xmas. However, you are generally not supposed to say "Happy Thanksgiving," or "Merry Christmas," in today's society.
Let us begin with T'giving. Many, if not all comapnies/workplaces/etc, require you NOT to say "Happy T'giving," because of some politically correct enviroment that the American masses for some ungodly reason subscribe to. Lemme see here, T'gving was celebrated by the Pilgrims to give thanks to God for a plentiful harvest. The ample harvest was brought upon William Bradford and other Pilgrims to migrate away from 'putting everything into a common pot' as they did in England, to assigning each family a plot of land for them to do with as they please therefore planting the seeds (pun intended) of a free enterprise leading to plentiful amount of crops and such. Originally and to this day, T'giving has strong religious overtones associated with it, HOWEVER, it has migrated more into an American holiday when you get together with friends and family and eat like Garfield. Back in 1863, Lincoln proclaimed T'giving to be a national holiday to be observed, most likely since Americans at the time were faced with a lot of negativity around the Civil War. So why in the name of the Lincoln Memorial do we, as Americans, have to say 'Happy Holidays' to one another instead of "Happy Thanksgiving?" We gonna offend someone? Well, guess what? This IS America and T'giving is an AMERICAN holiday so piss off to anyone who gets offended by it - HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO YOU AND YOUR FAMILIES! You don't like it, I hear Mexico and Canada are realtively close by......
Onto Christmas. This gets tricky since Christmas, well at least its supposed to be, a holiday celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. Obviously there is a contingent of Americans who do not believe in Jesus Christ. In retrospect, you cannot say Merry Christmas or depict anything dealing with the birth of Christ in most public places as well as workplaces. Fine. Here is my problem with that: You go to a post office and see the following,
1) Happy Hoildays (usually snowmen and the like)
2) Happy Hannukah (complete with menorahs)
3) Happy(?) Kwaanza (complete with whatever Kwaanza comes with; I apologize for my ineptness concerning it, however, I am not privy to African holidays and their meanings).
What are we missing? We cannot depcit Merry Xmas yet we can depict every other faith? Ummm, not fair. What is good enough for the goose is......y'all know the saying. PC PEOPLE, can't have it both ways! Either allow ALL faiths or none. (Though I must admit the latter would make the US a very boring and morbid place around this time of year.) Also, the idea of pretty much banning all Christmas ideas from school is a load of crap. I think the schools should embrace all faiths around this time of the year so children can experience everything! However, the act of prohibiting the 3 Wise Men and menorahs b/c the atheists parents feel their kids are being ostracized is just plain crazy! Put on some atheist plays.....if they have 'em.
Stop whining, if you were actually Christian you'd have more important things to worry about than stupid trees and greetings.
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