Friday, December 08, 2006

My Response to the Letter Sent by Mahmoud Ahmadinijad to the American People!

Dear Mac,

Thank you for sending the letter to the humble people of the United States. I would like to comment about your ideas and philosophy that you were so great to share with us.

I would like to say firsthand that our countries share a few similarities that you did not mention.

The first similarity is that the Iranian people as we once were are held captive by a relentless and unforgiving dictator. The only way that your people will have peace is by removing their oppression as we once had to do. I pray they find a way to have that stability without having to use force. Your people want Liberty and all that comes with it.

Your letter preaches peaceful existence between our nations, and I think that I could agree with you that we both desire peace, but at what costs? I remind you that your religion preaches that those that are not Muslims (infidels) have to die before you have reached your religion’s goal. You preach in the letter that we are all God fearing people, but our Gods are two different entities. The peace that you and your government seeks is an arrangement where we are eradicated or slaves.

Your God preaches that all infidels shall die and you will inherit your promised land. Our God preaches peace and love for our enemies, but we are given the right to defend ourselves.

I agree that our people are peace loving and truth seeking. Our people want to live normal lives and want to live to see their families grow and have fruitful lives. We seek the true meanings of peace and truth. Peace being where nations work towards common goals in humanitarian efforts and mutual growth in prosperity and infrastructure. We all desire these things, but one truth is that the world will never be short of aggressors.

You preach about groups in your country reaching out and being humanitarians to other countries including the United States, but I have seen the opposite. If reaching out is killing innocent men, woman, and children then I will decline your hand. There have been severe human rights violations in Iran and they continue. You say that you favor human rights, but lack them in your country. You have committed Hitlarian crimes of ethnic cleansing against your people and others abroad. You also support countries like North Korea and Palestine who commit many terrible human rights violations.

Mac, if you love peace and Democracy so much, why is your country ran like former Nazi Germany? The people fear you and fear to speak up because they know that you will have their tongue removed. Your elections have one guy on the ballot, and that is you. You will be there until the people you answer to have you sent early to see Allah.

If you love peace and Democracy, give up your dictatorship and have real elections. Invite your fellow countrymen to run without fear of being killed or tortured. Show the world that you are not a monster. Turn your country over to a real representative government so the people’s voices can be heard. A great leader listens to his people and does all they can to further and better their country.

I want to make clear that we will continue to support Israel as they have been one of our strongest allies and they fight a war on terrorism as we do. The Palestinian people are a good people, but Hamas and their government have attacked Israel relentlessly with their bombs and suicide bombers. We have been attacked as well and understand what a nation must do to defend itself. Israel is surrounded by enemies and defends itself daily.

Israel has had many aggressors to her security besides the Palestinians. Terrorists as mentioned before have attacked their country. These terrorists were trained and harbored in many countries, especially Iran. Iran has a long history of being a terrorist training ground.

Your country continues its nuclear program despite the world and the UN asking you to stop. You defy the world and still continue with the programs. Your country has also sold weapons to the North Koreans that definitely do not observe peace or human rights. I think that you should worry whom your country supports and clear your own slate before attacking the United States and her allies. Take the money that you are putting into weapons and build infrastructure in your country, better your land for your people.

You speak of the prisoners that we hold illegally in our prisons. These people you say are help without rights and you say that they should be released. These men and woman have been arrested for the simple fact that they are terrorists, and have personally killed or had other people killed. I think that they are rightfully being held and will be held until they can be tried for the crimes that they have committed. They claim no allegiance to any country and are being granted the rights that are permitted to them. As a humanitarian you should understand they need punished for their crimes.

They are held so that they may have a trial and be sentenced accordingly under the laws of the country that they were committed in. In your country there are no trials. The accused are turned over to a terrorist group that will cut their head off on CNN and Alljahzier, or they go before a court of people that already say they are guilty and give them an unfair trial. I assure you that your people will not be treated as our people would be treated in your world.

You talk about the Bush Administration resorting to force rather than peace. I don’t understand how you can have peace talks with enemies that are not interested in peace. We ignore the UN because all of their resolutions in Iraq and other countries have failed. We set the people of Iraq free from a ruthless dictator that your people fought in the past.

You posed questions that I will give you answers to:

Is there a better approach to governance? You pose a question that you were not specific in which country. I know that you insult our governing style, but if you ask us to adopt yours, I consider your so called insult a compliment. I know that our model may have flaws, but we have the ability with our constitution to change the flawed. We freely elect leaders that we think will do their best and make America a better place to live. Mac, why not try our model and make your country a better place! If you’re talking about Iraq, they will adopt whatever works best for them. God will decide the direction of their people. They want democracy and representative government, I know that other countries and Iran want to help steer the course of the fragile new government. I say leave them alone and allow them to make that decision.

Is it not possible to put wealth and power in the service of peace, stability, prosperity and the happiness of all peoples through a commitment to justice and the respect for the rights of all nations, instead of aggression and war? Mac, if you’re referring to the United States, then you’re not following world news. The United States gives a lot of her wealth away to other nations in need. We have used our resources to feed different countries in need. We drop a lot of food into different countries in Africa and in the Middle East. We rebuilt Europe and Japan after WWII and a lot more. We have given low interest loans to our neighbors so they can create and improve infrastructure and communications. Every natural disaster that occurs, we give relief aid so they can get back on their feet. Mac, America does all of these things because of the American spirit of helping others.

When will Iran share her wealth? The programs that you support are the terrorist organizations that you harbor, and building your military and nuclear weapons. When the last time was that Iran made a food drop into any country in need? When was the last time that Iran did anything for people in need? You abuse and mismanage your people now.

Our country will respect the rights of any nation that has been recognized as a country. If a country is annihilating its people because of their beliefs then intervention is warranted after diplomatic attempts have been exhausted. Iraq would be the best example of this. All diplomacy failed and President Bush was forced to use military action against Saddam Hussein and his government, not the Iraqi people. We came as a liberation force and looked to help them form a government that would serve the people and be a proactive part of the Arab Nations.

We all condemn terrorism because its victims are the innocent. I find it appalling that a leader who supports terrorists and other nations such as Palestine that does the same would make such a comment. You order the killing of innocent people with terrorist acts, and too many have been killed. You and other leaders rank up there with Hitler and Stalin.

I will address the rest of your questions in this paragraph. You ask that the United States abandon our ally Israel and that we leave Iraq because now they have a constitution and a government. Why do you ask us to leave so quickly and remove our military so quickly? You and your government want to have more control of Iraq because a pro-western government is not what you want there. You know that Iraq is rich in oil and you want your companies to exploit those resources. If the Iraqi government was pro Iran, you would have reserve troops against your enemy Israel. We are not blind to these issues and will continue to support these countries in their time of need. I warn you that war against Israel will not end in your favor, as they will be a formidable enemy.

The Midterm Elections that you speak about were not only because of the Iraqi war, but other issues as well. There is no real time for discussion of this subject as it pertains to a different conversation.

To sum up what I have said:

The American people are proud of their relatives in uniform on the Iraqi front. There fighting there was to liberate a nation that required our assistance. We will not ask them to leave a job before it has been finished. We pledged our assistance to the people of Iraq and will continue to do so until they are able to go the course alone.

We will not support countries that harbor terrorists such as Palestine. We will deal with any such country that harbors those that attack us and our allies. We take a course of peace, but will use military force when necessary. Negotiations cannot happen with terrorists that have no country and concessions will not be considered.

Mac, I pray that you will see that we will help those in need no matter how angry other nations become. You say that there are those that hate and renounce America, ask them to no longer take our aid. How will they feed their people? Will their economies collapse? We help them because they need help, as this in the kind of people that we have in our nation. Our god preaches that we help those who need help. Our God tells us that if we show mercy then we shall receive mercy when we reach Heaven. I shall pray for you and your country.

God Bless,

Jeremy Stouffer


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