Thursday, November 30, 2006

What the Republican Party Needs is Strong Leadership to get back on track, Not Whiners!

I know that to many of you that the title will be startling and a little mean, but true. I am tired of hearing the last group of so called leaders that we had still whining about why they lost and why people were mad at Republicans. The truth of why people were mad was some of the facts of why they lost. There was never a strong emergence of leadership in the party while we held the House and the Senate. There were some factions that held the Party together, but never a real strong emergence of a leader or group of leaders. They refused to stand up to the Democrats or they were to busy fighting amongst themselves to get much done. This in no way is a blog about smashing Republicans, but hopefully helps them and we regain a direction that is honorable and will help lead our Great Nation back on the right path.

The first step of what we need to do is head on a path leading back to God and the Bible. This path would be one that follows Gods principles and commandments. We need to thank him for the creation of this Nation and for bringing the founding fathers together so that they could form the foundation of our Nation. Our money, government buildings, and attitude in general should thank God. The party should have opposed those that want to take his name from the country. True Conservative Republicans would have never given one inch to these people, and they should have used their strength in numbers to accomplish this. They were too worried about bickering and fighting amongst themselves to unite and say no, or that they would offend some Liberal group that would keep them from being reelected! A house divided will not stand, that is a major part of what happened to the party.

The second step that ties closely with the first step is a return to true conservatism! I think that we need to look towards this idea because this is what the country was founded upon and is the foundation of the country. The idea of the Republican Party is to give our fellow Americans a hand up rather than the Democratic idea of a handout. True Conservative thinkers follow the notion that less is more. This translates into smaller more efficient government, responsible fiscal management, and responsible taxation with representation. They follow the rules that were set down by the Founding Fathers in the Constitution and follow the concrete paradigm that it sets forth for us. They truly represent the people rich and poor alike. We need powerful voices that will look at the Liberals and tell them what is right and wrong as well as offer ideas of what improvement that can be made to good ideas and flat out refuse to follow the wrong ideas. Many say that compromise would be the answer, but at what cost. Conservatives look ahead and see what impacts decisions made today will have on the generations of tomorrow.

I know that I have touched a small portion of a very big picture, but we must look at the basics and these constitute the basics. I think that we have a few good leaders out there that could succeed in the role of President and from there down. The folks that lost their seats in the last election can rerun and if they run like Conservatives like many of them are or are close to being they may win again. They must realize that a Conservative Republican that runs as a Liberal will lose. The Republicans this year ran like Liberals so that they could supposedly could win the election. They felt that if they switched gears and abandoned the president, they would gain favor with the Moderates and Liberals. When they ran like a Democrat would with nothing but negative ads and no real debates only mudslinging, they wonder why they lost the election. The Democrats were successful in running like Conservatives. They had the negative ads and they had a better variety of what they would do for their constituents, this is what propelled the Democrats to power.

I am going to support a strong leader that is Conservative with his politics and that would be Newt Gingrich. I think that the world is ready for the political revolution that he would bring propelling this nation back onto the right path. He is an experienced leader with the know how and the edge that would make him a successful president. I think that he would end the War in Iraq by the way that we have always won wars, by letting the Generals take command and letting them do their job. He would work on getting our trade back to where the United Sates is in favor rather than China and the rest of the world get to rape the American people and the government just sits back and watches. He would support regulating our borders with strong persecution and deportation of illegal immigrants that enter our country illegally. A top priority would be ways for the States to self sufficient on energy and less dependant on foreign oil. There would be a major push for responsible drilling in Alaska. If we were to get into a conflict where we had our oil supplies cut, we would have a limited supply of fuel to fight our aggressors. Security would be a big one on the plate due to constant threats from different terrorist’s organizations. There is a lot more that could be gone into but theses are some of the most crucial. If you can’t tell, I think that Newt should be the next president of our fine nation.

My last point is that the past leadership that was ousted was ousted because of their for the most part poorly ran campaigns and acting like and running like Liberals. If they want to win they need to return to the path of what the true Republicans have always followed, and remember what their constituents are looking for when they take their office. They need to stop whining about losing the election and start looking to elections going forward. They need to look for strong leadership or emerge as strong leaders. The Party has the strength to take control back, but it is up to good people to come out of the woodwork and run for office as well as it is the responsibility of the grassroots to find and support people that will do well in office that are Republicans, support Republican Values, Conservatives, and have a love for what they are doing or about to do. We will work to create a better Party today so that the party will be strong in the future.


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