Monday, May 07, 2007

French people wake up, elect Conservative Sarkozy

The Socialistic Country of France has elected a Conservative Leader, one Nicholas Sarkozy, who will now lead the French people. This is not just a great day for the French, but also a great day for the United States as well. This election showed that maybe the French people are not as Socialist as we think they are, and they have been led to be! Sarkosy has said he will be friends with the United States, being their for us as a friend!! That is what we needed out of a French Election, and what the French people needed!

Now some of you people out there will probably make up some story about how this is bad for the French, and how it will ruin their country. Let me tell you all something....the French were on the brink of chaos...and now maybe there can be a little hope for a nation run by Socialists! I don't know though, I guess we will have to wait and see, but this does not look good for the Democrats.

Can we look at this election in France and say it is something that could happen here as well? I mean, if the Socialstic Country of France will elect a Conservative, then why not this one as well? We will have an election not to different than the French election next year, where more than likely Hillary Clinton will be put up to face someone from the Republican party. NOW, the only difference in t=our case may be that there might not be that CONSERVATIVE that this nation is looking for. Fred Thompson is still not in the race, and the closest thing we have to a REAL Conservative is Mitt Romney. Can Mitt take on someone like Hillary? This is a debate I started many times before, and sometimes it goes somewhere and sometimes it does not. But, we will see where this one goes.

The point of this blog was to start a discussion of what everyone thinks about the French election, and does it have any bearing on OUR Presidential election. I was just listening to Matt Drudge and he was talking about the same, so, I thought I would open it up for debate!


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