Monday, May 07, 2007

Hey, where is the LEFT on this "Separation"!

One of the most sickest things that could be done to cater to the Islamic wing here in the United States has been done in Kansas City, MO. At the Kansas City Airport, they have added FOOTBATHS for the Islamic cabdrivers who wish to do their daily prayers. The Airport put them in after several requests from these cabdrivers, who said they needed them dearly for their daily prayers. Here is the link to the story from World Net Daily....

So, this is what we get for showing Muslims that they mean more to this country than anyone else! The Left has appeased these people for way to long, and now it has got to the point where Muslims do not fall under the "Separation of Church and State" like all the liberals love to cry when someone is putting up a Christmas tree at City Hall!

This is your fault, Liberal basket cases. You have made these people, and now you have to strike them down with the court you hold so dear! There is only one other solution to the problem.....Allow CHRISTIANS to put churches in airports, and also confessionals so that people can confess before getting on a plane. That would be the only fair way...but that is not how this is going to play out. We have been told by the Left in this country ever since 9/11 that we have to show COMPASSION to these people, and now they have more rights than any other religion in this nation. When will you people stand up against this, because if they were Christians you would be.

I do not even try to understand where you people on the left even get your intelligence. The ACLU( American Communist Left Union) has not said a word about this incident, and I doubt they ever will. They, as do others, do not care about the Separation, if there actually is one. But for the sake of arguement, I have to play Devils Advocate here, because the Liberals in this nation have crammed down our throats for years how there is a "Separation of Church and State" in the Constitution...I guess I must have heard them wrong, they must have meant " Separation of CHRISTIANITY and Sate"!

I will leave this up for discussion now, because I would like to see where the left stands on this issue!

But do not forget, this is an act that never should have been done in the first place. We are now catering to the Muslims in this nation, and putting their religion above any other....soon there will be a state sponsered religion....but it will NOT BE CHRISTIANITY......Thank You Libs!


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