Monday, May 07, 2007


It is 230am and I am still up, so I thought I would write a blog for only this site. just as I promised. I am a man of my word, so, here I am. I have posted a few of my blogs from myspace, pretty much going through everything that has been going on in the world the past few days, and even weeks. What else more can I say really. The people that have read what I have to say are saying to themselves.."Geeze, this dude writes about everything, does he ever shut up?" Well, normally I do shut up for a while, but only when I am sleeping. I do not do to much of that anymore, so let me see if I can't get a little conversation and debate going on in this blog!

The one thing I have not written about in the past few days has been the recent Republican Debate, held on MSNBC for some God awful reason, and hosted by "Softball" Chris Mathews. I have never seen a debate as poorly run as this on. If any of you have seen it, I am truly sorry you had to witness that garbage. The questions were junk, the answers were even worse, and the candidates that should have come out of the debate on top made themselves look like a bunch of morons, for the lack of a better word!! Someone asked the question, "What part about America do you hate the most?" Now I guess they were taking question from people in the audience or from e-mail, I have no clue I did not watch the beginning. But that question was the dumbest question I think I have ever heard, and I have heard some whoppers in my time! Why would you even ask a question like that. If I was in that debate, I would have told Mathews to go suck an egg and that I would not answer anymore questions that had nothing to do with the State of the Union or the National Security of this nation. The question was posed by someone with little intelligence, and read by someone with even less. MSNBC was the worst place, in my opinion, to have a Republican Debate. It was all trash, and I just turned it off. I could not stand it. I had a better time listening to Michael Savage make fun of the questions and the candidates on the radio then I did with the actual debate.

Rudy and McCain made themselves look like fools, and they did not help themselves on bit in that debate. I know it is early, and people will forget, but this did nothing but hurt them two. To my surprise, Mitt Romney had an excellent debate. He was very articulate and got to the point on many issues. He looks like the guy the Republican base should get around, but I doubt that will happen.

Why do I think that? It is all because of WHAT he is. He is a Mormon, and for some reason people just do not want to except that he could do a great job leading this country b/c of his religious beliefs! I think that is totally absurd. They said the same thing about John F. Kennedy being a Catholic. He won, and did some really good things during his time in office. Sadly, as we all know, he was murdered before he could get the chance to show what he could really bad none of the other Kennedy's were like him. Yes, he was a Democrat, but a Democrat from a different time. I believe he would be just furious with the way this Democratic party has shaped itself, into a Communist looking group with EXTREME left wing leanings.

So, what does this mean for the country as a whole? I do not know. The debate showed no one anything! Except for maybe Romney is the only person capable of handling the Republican base. I sure would not vote for McCain or Rudy to be honest with you. I just really do not like them. Rudy talks about how he helped New York City, and that is all he talks about. Every singe time he is in front of the camera he has something to say about it. I am getting sick of hearing about him and New York City! Give me a break. We know what you did...what WILL you do for us if you are our President! He believes he can win because people loved him after 9/11...he is sadly mistaken, and he will learn the hard way!

I pose this question to all of you...what did you think of the debate, and who do you think is the best candidate for the Republicans as it stands right now? I have my choice, and that is Mitt Romney. Maybe Fred Thompson will jump in and shake things up a bit. He is the only person beside Romney that I believe can win in an election against Hillary or Obama. But, what do you people think? I would LOVE to know!!


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