Monday, May 07, 2007


Where would we be without the crazy liberal machine out at work for the great people of this country. In my last blog, I posted a few of my thoughts about how the Libs are ruining free speech. This time, why don't we take a look at religion, and how it has become a word only to be talked about if you are a Muslim!


That is pretty funny no that I think about it. How liberals say they are TOLERANT to the religious right, yet try to block their voice every chance they get. There is no way to keep the machine on the Democratic side happy when it comes to this topis. It must be there is no religion, no matter what....OR SO I THOUGHT!? with the recent story on the footbaths in Kansas City Airport, the Liberals are running and screaming for a talking point that will help them out in this case. Sorry Libs, but you have made UP your minds already and do not have the chance to change them now. You have told us for years that there should be no religion in public places, yet you come in defence of Muslim cab drivers that need to wash their feet...not for the job...BUT TO PRAY!!! Can I have a Bible the next time I go to the airport? I doubt that would ever happen.

The problem I have with all of this is that the Libs have toally reversed position on religion. Not because they had a guilty conscience, but because they feel if they stood up against religion in this case, they would look like people who just flat out hated Muslims. This is what it has come to. There is no respect for courthouses that have the Ten Commandments in them, or city squares that have the Nativity Scene up, but we must accomadate the Islamic world because we are afraid of them.

That is where Liberals are lying to us all. They tell us there is no problem here, knowing full well that there is a problem, they just do not like the solution. If you want to take Christianity out of American life, then, in turn, you must take out ALL religion from Political life.

Can I say that this case has really put me in the group of hating liberalism even more than I did before. It is not enough for them that they want to take free speech rights away from us, but they also have to take away what has been, since the foundation of this great nation, the bedrock of the Union. Look at our money! Say the Pledge! Your money says "IN GO WE TRUST"! Our Pledge says "One nation, under God"! This means absolutly nothing to the people on the left who just want to push the radical agenda of some Muslims off on the rest of us. They feel we should be more accomadating to them, because, in their eyes, we are the reason that they are so mad to begin with. This all leads back to Islam, if you have not noticed by now! It is all about Muslims and their rights to practice their religion no matter where they want to, and the people of this country have to stand aside and watch, if we like it or not.

There is an easy solution for all of this.....If you do not want religion in public places, then end it all, not just some. Just because the left has radical judges on the court that will sway the political winds in their favor, does not mean the public has to stand idle and do nothing or say nothing. Do not let these Judges that hate the Christian God tell us that we can not have the Ten Commandments stand in front of a courthouse! They have been there for years, and just a few years ago there has been a great choas over them. What happaned to being respectful to ones religion, and letting them practice it. I am not saying do not give the Muslims their footbaths...all I am saying is be fair and leave Christianity alone...

There has been a fight over this for years now, the fact that religion should not be anywhere in public. And I can deal with that. But the Liberals have made it so that it is only the Christian God and the Jewish God who are taking all the heat. They make it look like they are evil people who have no place in the United States. I have posted many quotes from our Founders before, and how they felt about religion in the public square and also in schools. I believe they would be appalled to walk the streets of this great nation today, and see what has happened to it. They tried their best to give us something that would last, and we have taken their work and started pushing it right down the toilet. This country was NOT built on the fact that there is no God and if there is one, he does nothing to help us! This country was built by people who believed in God, and wanted the name of God preserved as long as the nation. I know I will never see things go back to the way they were, way back before I was even on this earth. That would be the best case senario. But if that will not happen, then strip the public of all religion, and be fair. No special treatment to the people you libs feel need COMPASSION! We did not provoke anyone, yet we were hit hard. Some of you forget, and that is the REAL shame in all of this.


There is no other way to put it. You see the way the left has gone after companies in this country, not letting up at all every single step of the way. They have slammed into the heads of every day normal Americans that rich people are bad, and the wealth they have should be yours as well. This is a very dangerous ideology, which at some point will come to bite us right in the butt. How can we sit here and say the rich are bad, especially when the people who are makin g the comments they are have so much money no one could even count! Maybe it would have been better to name this piece, "LIBERAL HYPOCRISY", because that is what it is turning out to be. YOU, the normal American, are not allowed to be rich and have the things in life you worked so hard to recieve. You should help out the starving children around the world, before you buy that new boat. You know the countries where people are not eating as they should have done so much to improve their quality of life, they deserve a little of your hard earned money! They did nothing wrong!

Give me a break! Maybe these countries would have a little money if it was not for the environmentalists movement that has swept the planet in the form of KYOTO! Unindustrialized nations have no chace to get out of their rut because of these environmentalists, not because Sam, the CPA, will not give $1000 a year to the children of Uganda! Not to mention the corrupt governments that have swept the lands.

This is supposed to be a market system wher, if you do your work right and work hard, then someday you will recieve the benifit. The government has no right to tax the rich anymore than they do now. 84.6% of all Federal Income tax is payed by the top 25% of income earners! The top 50 percent pay 96.7 percent of the Federal Income Tax!!! How much more can we tax these people! These are the people that keep the economy going by opening new businesses and offering new products and services.

Why do some people want to redistribute wealth? That is a question that can only be answered by a hard core leftist! But the fact remains the rich have been played with for far to long in this nation, and it needs to stop. If that means getting rid of the Income Tax all together, then so be it. That would be the best way, but even the Republicans would never go for it, and that there is a shame on both sides.


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