Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Back to the REAL issues...ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION!!!!!

A few months ago, I wrote many blogs dealing with illegal immigration, and SOME of us had a little discussion about it. Well, I obviously have a lot more people coming to the blog now. So, I figured, I don't sleep, so I might as well write about it again! This is cleary a very heated issue, one that will not be settled by a little debate in my blog. But, hopefully we can set some things straight, and make sure the poeple of the world know people that are against illegals are NOT against immigration PERIOD! I have great respect for people that come here legally, get a job, and try to make their life and the life of their family better! I can not praise those people enough. It is the illegal scum coming over the border that really gets under my skin. We COULD stop it, but there is no push by anyone in Congress to do so. (This would be the blog where I rip BUSH a new one...for all you Liberals out there, I am sure you are going to love it)!!!


This is the best one I have ever heard, I believe. There are jobs out there that I, as an American, would not do? I have to beg to differ. We DO still have an unemployment rate out there, which means there are people without jobs, which means they could do the work, it is just that they are to lazy to! The President and Congress know this. They know how lazy this nation has become over the years, and I am sorry but it is the truth.

So, to make things better for everyone, the crapy Congress allows illegal aliens to cross into our country without even questioning the reason. Just because they have given us the exuse that people just will not do the work. This is a lame exuse, and it does not work on people like me. Just think about it... It is not because YOU will not do the job, it is because the illegals will do it MUCH cheaper. Why would I pay you $10/hr to cut lawns with me, when I could pay an illegal $3? There would be no reason to, and that is why businesses do it. Do not take the crap about Americans will not do the jobs, because they will. Bush, when it comes to this issue, is dead wrong. He is so far from reality it makes me sick!


There is no doubt in my mind, from the things he has said and the bills he said he would sign, that Bush is looking for nothing but a North American Union, where there would be no borders. Well, let me clarify. What I mean is that he wants nothing more than to have an E.U. style Government in this Hemisphere, to one day coincide with the Europeans in some fashion or another.

Some people call me crazy for even writing this sometimes! I think it makes perfect sense, but others look at me like I have been dead for 12 years and just started walking around the room. It is scary. Some do not believe, or just do not want to believe, that the powers that be in this world would want to keep that power to themselves, setting up Governments that are a lot more powerful than the ones we see in this world today!

Now, I am not saying there is this secret group of people out there right now running the world until the day comes that we are all ready for the New World Order, or the Illuminati! That would be a far fetched Conspriacy, which I am not to found of in any case. I do believe, however, that there is something going on here, and I believe the other nations who would be involved in this, mainly Mexico, LOVES this idea to no end. To them, it would get their people into this country, and make the immigration laws of the United States moot! They could come and cross whenever they would feel like it, no matter what anyone said.

Threre is a movemnt out thre that would love to see this happen. I believe President Bush is involved very much in this movement. Until the day the immigration debate becomes a REAL debate in this country, all I can do is speculate on how this will turn out.

I would like to hear all your thoughts on this issue! Where do you stand on illegal immigration, and how long do think it will take for a Government like the E.U. to take hold in this Hemisphere?


At 10:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What do you think the motivation would be for acquiring/merging with Mexico? I can see wanting to join with Canada, but Mexico has huge, expensive problems and not a lot of resources, as far as I can tell. Interesting story, though. Hadn't heard it before.

As far as the illegals definitely worries me that we have so many undocumented, unknown people here. However, having witnessed the immigration process (and having many, many friends going through it now), it is very difficult to write off all illegals as "scum." The process is expensive and convoluted, with constant delays and mistakes on the parts of the bureaucrats. If our gradparents had to navigate this process, I doubt many of us would be here today to debate it.

Definitely, an illegal who is caught breaking the law needs to get booted immediately. That illegals with criminal records manage to stay baffles me. However, before I can support a widespread crackdown on everyday people--the ones who are working hard, paying taxes, and pushing their kids to do well in school--there has to be something done about the immigration process.

I'm sorry, but it's hypocrisy to support a system that locks out hardworking decent people just because they can't afford a lawyer to get them through this nonsensical system, while enjoying the benefits of having ancestors who came here when all you had to do was pass a TB test. The system needs to be fixed so the good people can come in more easily, and the bad people are more easily identified and ejected.

At 2:15 PM, Blogger Conservative T and T said...

But I think we have to block these people from coming into the country. What are they doing to better this country? A portion of the illegal population are using the welfare system in this country...which means WE are paying MORE because we have to support the people who just want to come to this country for a free ride! This is nothing like our grandparents and great grandparents. They came here willing to work hard because they knew it was going to be a better life for their children and grandchildren. They saw what the U.S. WAS, a fair place that anyone could do anything!

Having said that, the immigration process is slow and VERY expensive. THAT should be one of the issues Congress deals with when they are making a new immigration bill. Making it easier for people who want to come here legally is one of the most important things that this congress can do. I have heard the horror stories about the process, and it sickens me!

I am sticking by my statement that all illegals are "scum" for one reason...THEY ARE BREAKING THE LAW! If you or I went to cross the border with Mexico, Mexican border guards would take us into custody and ship us back immediatly, if not try us for a crime. This country lets the Mexicans in, but ther has to be a reason for it? We would not be doing this just for the sake of being nice. But NO politician will come out and flatly say what they feel on this issue, and that is sad.

The one reason I do believe they would set up a kind of E.U. government here in this Hemisphere is this: Mexico has many problems, but you have to look at it on a larger scale than just what they are alone. Alone, they are worthless...together with the United States and Canada, they have the power of an E.U. Government which will lead to TOTALLY free trade with anyone in this part of the world. Today, there are still tariffs on certain products..but if this ever goes through, and I believe that is what the President would want, it creates free trade and solidifies NAFTA as a form of government.

What you have to remember is that people like the President, people with TONS of power in the world, are nothing but Globalists. They would like nothing better than to set up a world economy where there is one stage of trading for the entire world. In their small eyes, it is the greatest thing ever proposed. I am not one to believe in Conspiracy, but those who do believe that anyone who has ever been affiliated with the group, Skull and Bones, is part of this New World Order scheme that will one day be the government of the world. Me, I believe that MAY be a little far fetched...but you never know. Thought I would throw that one out there as well!

At 2:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Me again (sorry to say anonymous, but my profession is online and I don't want to mix politics with business).

I agree there is a problem with illegals who don't work and just sap resources. But what about the rest, who do work, and even seek out ways to file and pay taxes?

I know what we see in the news. I also know that those people I've met who were here illegally were decent, hardworking people who were, in fact, trying to get their paperwork in order; but they did so cautiously, because there is no consistency in what would happen to them.

While I do not agree they should be automatically deported if they are here illegally, I would say that whatever policy is in place (even if I don't agree with it) needs to be applied consistently. Some people are openly illegal for decades and nothing happens, while others get deported when they draw attention to themselves by following the procedures that are supposed to get them back in our government's good graces and on track for legal residency. That's hardly a fair and effective policy...

(Oh, and I'll agree with you that Congress needs to quit the high-sounding rhetoric and get SOMETHING done.)

As regards the question of a North American union...I'm still not convinced adding Mexico would actually make our government more powerful, except maybe as a labor pool. I feel like Mexico's problems would be enough of a drag on momentum so as to negate any benefits.

At 5:44 PM, Blogger Conservative T and T said...

There are illegals in this country that DO pay their taxes and do things that are right. But that does not make the way they came here right. But that brings us to a never ending circle of how hard the immigration policy is in this country, and the battle never ends. There ARE laws on the books that are not followed by the Federal Government, for one reason or another. That is why I feel Congress DOES need to do something about what is going on, but also the FEDS need to enforce the laws that are on the books now and also the new ones, if new ones ever pass. They could pass the toughest immigration bill possible, but unless the laws are enforced, it is just writing on a piece of paper!


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