Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Gallup Poll says Congress approval rating dropping....

In a recent gallup poll, 29% of Americans approve of the job the Congress is doing! I wish I still had Rob on this blog, because he knows how to spin everything to make it look good. But even he could not spin how bad this looks for the Democrats right now. Here is the address to the story...


Since the Democrats have taken offic, I said they have done nothing to help the people of this country, and some of you on the left laughed at me saying they have done things for this country, and they will continue to do more. Well, I guess that is lost on most of the American people, because now Congress has a lower rating than the President. I did not think I would ever see the day, but it has come. The Libs have found a way to screw up a good thing, and tick the American people off before they could even do anyting to get on their good side.

I have said many times before on this blog that the American people did not vote for the Dems to take control because they hate Republicans, it is because the Republicans needed to be shown a lesson, I just hope they have learned that lesson.

The Democrats are racing around trying to get something done to show the people of this country...and the next thing will probably be an immigration Bill that the President will sign because he is weak and sad on this issue. He will give the Dems what they want, and make them look good in the process. It will make them look like they reached across the isle to work with the President, and in turn the ratings will go up.

I am no idiot, I know how this game works. The Libs are right where the Republicans want it is time for the fight of a lifetime on Immigration. The TRUE Conservatives should go to the President and make ure he veto any immigration bill that is not tough enough. That means....

1) Close the border down completly. No one can get in anytime they feel like it. If they want in, they come in the way everyone else has matter how long that takes them.

2) Make sure the people who are in this country illegally are found and shipped out. This may not be possible, but it is probable. You will never find them all, but if they want their benefits, they will be somewhere...that is for sure!!!!

3) The bill must state that people who entered this country illegally will be put to the back of the line when it comes to getting a chance to come back in. There are people who wait years to come to this land legally, and there is no way it is fair for others to wait because we have a flood of illegals invading our shores! And do not fool yourselves, this is an invasion!


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