Friday, September 29, 2006


Jimmy had a field trip today to Sharon Optical to learn about eyes, eyeglasses, stuff like that. I was one of the parents who volunteered to shuffle the kiddies in our minivan so I got to spend the whole day with the class. Towards the end of the class, the teachers put out a snack and then said a prayer. I realize prayer is being blasted/banned from publich schools across the country, however, the way Jimmy's teacher went about it was a great solution. "Pray if you want to." Simple and to the point. Jimmy, EVEN THOUGH HE IS NOT {INSERT ANY CHRISTIAN FAITH OTHER THAN THAT OF ARMENIAN ORTHODOX}, decided he wanted to pray. I fail to see any harm in this. It did not scar him for life that it was not a prayer in my family's faith. How can this bother people? I just do not get it. Its not like teachers across the country are telling the children, 'ok, time to strap a bomb on yourself and go blow up some people.' Liberals, gotta love 'em.....NOT


Boo-hoo you whining bitch. Go and move to Afghanistan then. Stone is 'ashamed for his country' because Bush has 'set us back 10 years.' 'We have destroyed the world in the name of security,' Ollie laments and goes on about how we should fix poverty, disease, etc. Me thinks that we would need a lot more fixing if some psycho terrorist group decides to attack using biological weapons. You wanna talk about some disease.

I guess we should HELP THE POOR, EXAPND WELFARE, LET MORE ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS IN, ya know helpful stuff instead of say, FIGHTING TERRORISM. I wanna see some infamous movie director from Iran or Pakistan blast his country and see what happens. Because as much as you either agree or disagree with Ollie, he is FREE to speak his warped mind. And it is because of our continuing fight against terrorism that this country will remain FREE. Whadda ya think about that one Ollie?


There are a few things that i would like to say. Lets start with the upcomming election, because it is fast approaching. The Democrats look to take back the Senate, and maybe even the House of Reps. if it is in the cards for them to do so, and put them one step away from controlling our whole system of government...the Senate, House, President, and of course the courts! People are blind to the fact that these Dems are in no way working to help the middle or lower classes of this country, and they go on thinking the way their parents taught them to think! Well, my father taught me to think, and I think these people are going out of their minds! No matter what happenes in the next few weeks, these upcomming elections will be very close. It will take the likes of people like you and me to talk to the people that may still be on the fence and show them that the decisions they make really do matter, especially when dealing with the wacko left and giving them more power than they have now! I mean, come on people, can you imagine....House Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi? That is one of the most frightening things that could ever happen to this country, only behind a nuclear attack by the Iranians and another Clinton in the White House! We have to wake people up, and that is why i am here in the first place. Thats why I was asked you all can read the truth. Lets see how many listen to the truth.

I understand what someof you reading this may be saying about me personally. If you know me you are saying this kid has no idea what he is talking about, he has always been an idiot! And if you do not know me you are saying that I am too young..I do not know how the world works yet! Well, let me tell both of you groups something. I can rip you people a new one as easily as anyone, and I will! Do not come here and tell me that I do not know what I am talking about, then just leave and do not debate me. You Liberals are SCUM! Go back to your friends in Russia, you Communistic scum of the earth! You welcome Chavez into our country with open arms...LIBERALISM! You welcome Ahmademajad into this traitors! Our founders would have just got rid of you people by any means nessesary for screwing with this country the way you are! You do not deserve to call yourself rat scum!

Do you sence a little bit of anger with me today? I just can not help it. These people are trying to ruin the fabric of our country, and you and I, well, not me..but maybe you, are just sitting there and taking it. GET UP AND SAY SOMETHING!!! Something must be done, this blog starts something brand new for a lot of us. If you people listen to anything that I ever have to say, listen right now! These people are trouble. Nothing but trouble. Tom, Rodney, and I are here to tell you that, and give you examples of their stupidity. No matter what happenes, i will tell you how it is. Now, when I was at Tom's the other day, he was reluctant to get into the Iran issue. Later today, when I get another few minutes, I am going to write about that. Lets see if I can stir up some feathers from within the ranks as well as outside!

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Welcome one and all to our bog. This should have been the first post, however, just like liberals, I am doing this assbackwards! Our intention is to hopefully educate the masses in what is going in the world and to fully bug the hell out of liberals! Whereas I may drop a few profanities in here (cannot help it, I was raised in NJ) you can be fully assured this is a blog to be read by everyone. The three of us have vast backrounds in which I feel bring a unique persepective to this blog. Doc is a 21 year old college student Pittsburgh sports loving resident of Glassport. He likes hard rock, has a drink or two, loses at poker regularly (sorry Doc), but has a keen eye of what is transpiring in the world at a relatively young age (in which I never really noticed until I began to read some of his posts on his MYSPACE blogs).

Rodney is a man of the cloth. He is one of the most positive, well-raised, intelligent persons I have ever come in contact with. He will drop whatever he is doing and come and aid you if you ask (or sometimes if you do not ask) and never asks anything in return. Rodney will aslo be the first one to grab the joystick and slaughter millions of liberal-loving aliens in HALO on my XBOX or bang his head to metal! I defy anyone to find a minister like that!

Which brings this to me. I am alomst 35 (yikes), father of two, residing in western PA. I cannot stand western PA. It has rubbed of on me like dog excriment. This may be because western PA seems to be a liberal hotbed, but I digress. My mother was born in Kirkuk, IRAQ (though I am not Arab per se, our ethnicity is Armenian - Armenia being this first countryto adopt Christianity as a state religion in 301 AD), so I have a unique persepective of sorts on the Iraqi situation. Being Armenian had allowed me to come in contact with many Muslims, many of which are disgusted with the USA. Much of their disgust comes from their perception that the USA pretty much finances Israel's war with the Palestine. I also have resided in Finland back in the early 90's and their beef with my beloved country is that they feel the USA is being the 'world police.' Well, shit, someone has to do it I say.

Is our g'vt perfect? No. Does any sane-minded USA citizen want another coutry's g'vt instead of ours? NO. Is this country inspecting Muslims US citizens with more than usuall? Well, if a 100,000 redhaired people blew up buildings and murdered 4000 people, I guarantee you everyone in this entire country would scrutinize redheads a lot more. Is it right? Probably not. Do our leaders feel the need to protect our country? Yes. Along the same line - does everyone realize that over 70% of "Arabs" residing in the USA are Christian? No. Look, I do not have the answer for the IRAQ situation. Trust me though, Saddam is a psychopath and it is much better that he is gone. I realize people are dying in Iraq, however, console in the fact that its nowhere near the amount of death if Saddam were still in power. Believe that.

Ok, after reading this entry I seem to be all over the place. I guess that is me in a nutshell. I just say what comes to mind. I be blunt y'all! But before I go, isn't it funny that the Muslim leaders are freaking out over the pope's speach, YET, YET, its way ok for the Muslim leaders to blast the US and Christians on a daily basis? Yeah, ok. That makes a lot of sense. Time to for me to go to the Browns game and..............GO BEARS!


Hey-diddly-ay, fellow bloggers. Rodney here and it's time for me to address an issue common to my little part of the world. The issue? The way our liberal society has gone out of its way to supress religion -- especially Christianity.

First thing's first. As you may already know, NBC has begun airing episodes of VeggieTales, a CGI cartoon in which talking vegetables convey positive, Biblically-based messages from the Word of God. You may also be aware that references to God have now been edited out as casually as one might swat a mosquito.
Now let's all try to be rational about this for just a moment. The very foundation of VeggieTales is rooted in the belief in a single omnipotent being as He (that's right, Gloria, I said He) is percieved by orthodox Christianity. You take hydrogen out of water, it's no longer water. You take God out of VeggieTales, it's a singing garden salad.
This my friends is just what liberalism cannot understand. They claim that their goal is to reach out to everyone by never daring to make so outrageous a claim as to suggest that any one viewpoint is "right" or "wrong." The question then is this: Just exactly how do you appeal to people from all walks of life with a show whose core beliefs are built around the idea that moral and ethical absolutism is an accepted truth? Furthermore, if you neuter the message of said show, how are you appealing to the audience for whom the show was originally intended? The answer, of course, is that you do not. Jesus said that men cannot serve two masters. He will love one and despise the other. The Bible further adds that those who are lukewarm (double-minded) will be cast out from God. The sad thing about liberalism, is that they seek to serve no master at all -- except their own agendas. You see, the simple fact is that what determines those things which are "politically correct" and those which are not is simply a matter of what will benefit the liberal agenda or not. This of course is subject to change as often as need be to assist them in their goals, because as the Bible also teaches, a double-minded man is unstable in all his ways and is tossed about like a wave driven by the wind.
So why is it that the media is extending the olive branch to Christendom so long as it can repackage their message with their own brand of Jesus-flavored substitute? The same reason that a philanderer is sure to make it to his photo-op with a Bible in hand as he leaves church. It's all for show. If their intention were really to appeal to everyone they wouldn't allow cursing and elicit sexual situations, etc. to besmirch the eyes of their more old-fashioned viewership. The bottom line is that they fail to recognize that if you intend to provide a selection of shows vast enough to appeal to a range of humanity as diverse as those found in this wonderful land, you will never, I repeat, never succeed in not chaffing someone else's worldview. I imagine if loving Jesus sold as much beer as T&A you'd see an entirely different posture from the network executives. Sadly, it is not merely that good manners and moral uprightness aren't moving merchandise that has transformed our society into a people that censors the name "God" in the phrase "God damn" (honestly, which half of that would you rather have your kids hear?). No, the reason God and all His absolutes have been supressed is because He and people who think like Him are a threat. To what? To the Liberal's strangle-hold on your mind.
Think about it. Was it sheep mentality that told some of the wealthiest men in history to throw away their wealth and resist the British empire so that all men were free to pursue their own paths? I think not. With God throwing around His crazy notions of "right" and "wrong" and personal responsibility, hard-work and such, people might start thinking for themselves. They may not even need Liberals to think for them and tell them what to do and how to do it. Herein is the problem. If one's goal were really to reach all audiences, he or she would provide equal time to all points of view and not apologize if someone doesn't like it.

The law of this land guarantees that you have the right to express yourself, not that you will be heard. It's obvious what kind of people care so much about what others think that they act as though they have to listen to the popular voice. Maybe if folks hadn't let the opinions of others matter so much we wouldn't live in such a sissified society where so-called strong people throw tantrums whenever they get offended and Liberals are poised to run every facet of our existences. Maybe if folks would quit caring what everyone else thought America could take back its right to think freely.


Saturday, September 23, 2006

I just got done reading Toms' post. I am here at work, probably should be working but just HAD to write something about this. I just HAD to get in on the debate on religion and who and what should be seen where....if you follow that!? I am reading along and I see that the "Veggie Tales" may suggest a religious leaning one way or the other. Well no crap. Perfect example of Liberalism and how every religion EXCEPT for Christianity is right on all the time, depending on who they are talking to at that particular moment. Especially since 9/11 all we here from the left is that we should be "TOLERANT" to others with differences!!! HA! Lets see me go to Iran and start reading the Bible out loud. Lets see how "TOLERANT" those fanatics are toward me! I would be murdered IMMEDIATLY! I am done being tolerant, and for that matter being nice to these so called intellects on the left. These men are nothing but nutt jobs, seriously. Start at the top of the mountain in the Democratic Party with Howard Dean. This man has called George W. Bush every single name in the book, but still we do not look down on him for it. Too many people in this country applaud when Dean opens his yap.

Understanding too why the Libs are like this will go along way in realizing what is going on in this country today with religion! They HATE God, they DESPISE the word God and everything that has anything to do with God! Yes, they play it off during election time. They will go to church and have that photo op. But do not be fooled by their games of deciet, these men are masters at disquising what they are really meaning to do! The atheistic culture in America is taking hold and the libs are responisible for it! Look who votes to keep the words "Under God" in the Pledge of alligience!? It is the Republicans that do, and the Dems say we should take it out because not ALL people believe in God. SO what!! I have to hear the Muslims in America cry about how they are not treated fairly, yet we search every other person getting on a plane EXCEPT FOR the Muslims! Being more "OPEN" to new ideas in this way is a load of crap. They are pushing their Hippy ideas onto the children of today, and unless these children are strong, they will fall for the trap. Certainly the parents do not care anymore. They rather get drunk and high and let their kids do the same because it would be Hypocritical to tell them to stop. Sometimes we have to be hypocritical, and in that case I sure as hell would be.

I am getting off point though, which sometimes I do.

The most important thing about religion, our children, and TV is that they will never mix. NBC is to Politically correct, as well as all the other major news networks! Being as politically correct as they are have hurt their programming, but not the programming that means nothing to anyone, especially children. Cut off the Veggie Tales, thats all right. But God forbid they tone down any of their other shows. I have to be honest, I would love to campare shows on NBC, but I know of one show on the whole station. So, comparing them would be pointless.

The point of this whole ramble that I just let out is that the LEFT has invaded the children of today, the leaders of tomorrow, to brainwash them with their socialistic trash! It is up to the parents and the parents alone to do something about this right away, before it is too late and you lose your children to one of the MOST dangerous diseases to ever hit these lands....LIBERALISM!!!!!


Friday, September 22, 2006

The wacky liberals are at it again. This time they are directing their idiocy @ the 'VeggieTales' series (a collection of animated home videos for children that encourage moral behavior based on Christian principles). VeggieTales has made the move to good 'ol network TV and references to "God" have been removed. HOLY DOGSHIT BATMAN! A kids cartoon teaching about the Bible needs to be censored. Of course its quite alright to look at Dennis Franz's huge hairy pimple-infested ass on NYPD Blue or see 18,000,000 breasts, or hear 'ass', 'douchebag', etc. Now do not get me wrong, I like NYPD Blue, I absolutely love looking at big nice breasts (not on men) and I use ass almost on a minute-to-minute basis. However, when I CHOOSE to watch NYPD Blue, Law n Order SVU, Girls Gone Wild infomercials, I don't want them censored. I chose to watch 'em. If you are going to create a TV show depicting a NYC police station with accuracy, you have to do what they have done with the show. What is the friggin point of putting on a Christian-based Bible-themed cartoon series and then censor its meaning? Liberals are just fucking stupid. This from NBC - "Our goal is to reach as broad an audience as possible with these positive messages while being careful not to advocate any one religious point of view." What? What? God is not positive? WTF? More from NBC - "All programs set to air on NBC must meet the network's broadcast standards," said Alan Wurtzel, a broadcast standards executive, "VeggieTales" was treated the same as any other program." Have you seen some of the shit on NBC recently? Have those shows gone thru this standards crap? Scary, just downright scary. Soon, 'in God we trust' will come off the $1 bill and Christmas will be abolished. I am telling you, if NBC is so friggin' concerned about that four-letter-word God, then they shouldn't have added 'VeggieTales' to their schedule.

This reminds me of the liberal attack on Sesame Street where Cookie Monster has to say 'b' is for broccoli and 'c' is for carrots instead of cookie b/c American kids are getting fat. And you all know this has nothing to do with parental upbringing, we need the liberals to tell us how to raise our children......Excuse me, I have to go vommit.......


Did you know that 25 Iraq students departed for the United States in
January 2005 for the reestablished Fulbrite program?

Did you know that the Iraqi Navy is operational?! They have 5-100-foot patrol craft, 34 smaller vessels and a naval infantry regiment.

Did you know that Iraq's Air Force consists of three operational squadrons, which includes 9 reconnaissance and 3 US C-130 transport
aircraft (under Iraqi operational control) which operate day and night, and will soon add 16 UH-1 helicopters and 4 Bell Jet Rangers?

Did you know that Iraq has a counter-terrorist unit and a Commando Battalion?

Did you know that the Iraqi Police Service has over 55,000 fully trained and equipped police officers?

Did you know that there are 5 Police Academies in Iraq that produce over 3500 new officers each 8 weeks?

Did you know there are more than 1100 building projects going on in Iraq?
They include 364 schools, 67 public clinics, 15 hospitals, 83 railroad stations, 22 oil facilities, 93 water facilities and 69 electrical facilities.

Did you know that 96% of Iraqi children under the age of 5 have received the first 2 series of polio vaccinations?

Did you know that 4.3 million Iraqi children were enrolled in primary school by mid October?

Did you know that there are 1,192,000 cell phone subscribers in Iraq
and phone use has gone up 158%?

Did you know that Iraq has an independent media that consists of 75 radio stations, 180 newspapers and 10 television stations?

Did you know that 47 countries have reestablished their embassies in Iraq?

Did you know that the Iraqi government currently employs 1.2 million Iraqi people?

Did you know that 3100 schools have been renovated, 364 schools are under rehabilitation, 263 schools are now under construction and 38 new schools have been built in Iraq?

Did you know that Iraq's higher educational structure consists of 20 Universities, 46 Institutes or colleges and 4 research centers, all currently operating?

Did you know that the Baghdad Stock Exchange opened in June of 2004?

Did you know that 2 candidates in the Iraqi presidential election had
a televised debate recently?



Instead of reflecting our love for our country, we get photos of flag burning incidents at Abu Ghraib and people throwing snowballs at the
presidential motorcades.

The lack of accentuating the positive in Iraq serves two purposes. It is intended to undermine the world's perception of the United States, thus minimizing consequential support, and it is intended to discourage
American citizens.

*** Above facts are verifiable on the Department of Defense web site.




Akaka (D-HI)
Bayh (D-IN)
Biden (D-DE)
Bingaman (D-NM)
Boxer (D-CA)
Cantwell (D-WA)
Clinton (D-NY)
Dayton (D-MN)
Dodd (D-CT)
Domenici (R-NM)
Durbin (D-IL)
Feingold (D-WI)
Feinstein (D-CA)
Harkin (D-IA)
Inouye (D-HI)
Jeffords (I-VT)
Kennedy (D-MA)
Kerry (D-MA)
Kohl (D-WI)
Lautenberg (D-NJ)
Leahy (D-VT)
Levin (D-MI)
Lieberman (D-CT)
Menendez (D-NJ)
Mikulski (D-MD)
Murray (D-WA)
Obama (D-IL)
Reed (D-RI)
Reid (D-NV)
Salazar (D-CO)
Sarbanes (D-MD)
Schumer (D-NY)
Stabenow (D-MI)
Wyden (D-OR)



Setember 11th, 2001....A day that will be stuck in our minds forever. As I wrote in my blog earlier today, we all remember where we were on that day. I was in high school, and the class got the word that there had been an accident in New York City. I went to the band room, and we sat there all day just getting reports from teachers, because the school adminastration would not let us watch the T.V. At the end of the day, we were all stunned. We had no idea what had happened, we could not comprehend it. Why and how could these men have killed so many people so quickly, without anything that we could do. We really were hit hard on that day. 3000 lives were lost...and after that something had to be done.

I am glad that we had a President like G.W. He led this country in the hardest times that we hav faced since WW2. And he did it with a demeanor that really kept the spirits ofthe American people up, as high as they could be considering. He promised us that he would protect this nation from another attack, and he has done that.

I do not understand for the life of me though how the Libs in this country could be so nice and ready to cooperate after 9/11, then just weeks after ready to Blame Bush. I would really like to know what goes through these peoples minds. They are trying to take down this country, and we as Conservatives are letting them. If we let them try and take us down, this country will be the losers in the end, letting Islamic Fascism win this War. We can not let that happen. We will have to stand up and tell these terrorists that we do not care how you feel about us. And that is the Dems problem here. They care to much about how people think about them personally, especially the Islamic community.

Who cares what they think! I don't! These people are the enemy. Now, I know there are good Muslims, I am not saying that. I am saying that these people want to kill us, so, lets do something about it. Lets elect even more Republicans. Get out and vote people!!! Do not let these Fascists in the democratic party take over this country. In the end, we will be run by the U.N., and we will be open to so many attacks we will not be able to survive! WE need FREEDOM! The libs, will not give it to you!

Remember, those who do not know their history are condemned to repeat it!! We are on that road!

by DOC