Sunday, March 25, 2007


I think this has gone far enough. There is so way on this earth that Iran thinks they will get away with this without pressure from the outside world. These people should be shut off completely from the outside world, and a naval blockade set up so there can be nothing going out and nothing coming in. Let us see how brave they are when they are losing millions of dollars from the oil they can not ship! These people are insane, and they honestly believe they are the sane ones.

They made one more BIG mistake.They just gave G.W. a reason to go into Iran, if the Dems like it or not! If it can be proven that they did not cross into Iranian territory, that means the Iranians crossed into Iraqi waters to detain them, which to me is an act of war. The Brits, if not satisfied with the outcome of diplomacy, should not sit and wait this one out! They should go into Iran and take these men back by force, if nessecary, and I believe it is nessecary! This has gone on long enough, and something must be done to get those troops out of there before they are tried for crimes they did not commit! (Just as a sidenote, the punishment for spying in Iran is....DEATH!!!!) Just want to make sure we are all on the same page here!

I would love to know the LIberals take on this since I have not really heard anything from them on this issue. I am sure they want the Brits to "Talk it out" and try DIPLOMACCCCYYYYY! They actually believe that they are dealing with people that care. Amademajad calls the sanctions put against his country "illegal" and by all accounts will keep going on with what they were doing in that country, building a nuclear frickin' weapon! Does anybody on the left CARE about that little fact. I doubt it. They act like the powers that be in this country just want to kill as many people as they can to see how fun it would be. That is the only reason someone could have for not supporting an attack on Iran, is if they were on the side of the Iranians.

I will probably get hate mail from that last part, but thats ok. While we and the Brits sit here twiddling our thumbs, the Iranians sit with 15 hostages. No, they are not our men, but they are from England, our stauntious ally in the war on terror and the war in iraq! Something is being lost in translation from the right side of the isle to the left on this issue, because I have heard nothing from anyone on this issue, like it just does not matter to people that the Iranians are breaking International Law. If Bush broke International Law, which most liberals believe he has done, they would be all over they have been. But a facist dictator comes in and does the same thing, but even worse and cares nothing about international response, and it is ok, and nothing should be said. I am saying something. I am saying that the Iranians have done what they wanted to do for far to long, and if the world wants to be safer, then we should oust the regime in Iran, and that right there will make the middle east more safe than ever before.

But this all falls on deaf ears and no one cares. They go on with their lives and say that it does not affect me, so, why should I do or say anything? You are right, right now it does not affect you. But when that nuke goes off in New York, Chicago, San Fransisco, or Philadelphia.........Then it will affect every single person in this country. Will we sit and wait to be hot, or will this President and this congress act? help the Brits get these men back and take out the regime that is causing so many of the problems in Iraq! It may start WW3.....if it does.....I guess it will be time again to defend our freedom! God Bless our Troops and the 15 British troops that are being held illegally in Iran! Wonder if any of the human rights groups will say anything about this??? DOUBT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, March 23, 2007

This is a post from my myspace blog...ENJOY!!!

This is the 12th post of the week, and I am pretty sure my own g/f is not even reading my posts..LOL...Thats ok. Other people have, and thats a good thing none the less. I was hoping I would come home tonight and find something to write about, but I have not so, I guess it is back to the same old same old thing. I am getting sick of writing about the 2008 election, and it is only 2007! I guess thats not to good for a person interested in politics like I am. It is just getting so dull this time. I remember when I was writing during the last Presidential election. Many of you were not even here to read what I wrote..I guess I have come a long way since then.

It is not the election that bothers me so much it is the lack of "talent" on the side of the Republicans that gets me worried. I love MItt Romney, do not get me wrong. I have been saying this throughout that he just does not get the base moving like I think he could. But let us get off the election for a few minutes, and go on to other things that are on my mind....

EDUCATION: I have no idea why this has been on my mind as of late. Mainly education as it pertains to Universities. I have been reading a lot about the biases on college campuses, and I have to say that the left is doingntheir job in keeping the right wing out of most public colleges in this country. It is sad really that they will push socialism down peoples throats, but not Capitalism. They will tell students that Christians are the devil, yet they should respect Islam because it is PC to do so. I am sorry, but when has this country, or even its people for that matter, ever cared about being PC. (And for those of you that do not know, I mean Politically Correct...not Poop Cramps). Do not ask how that came up, but it did!

All of you should go to my page and watch the trailer for a new movie coming out called "Indoctrinate U." I have to say this documentary looks very good, and looks like something the left will NOT want you to see. The indoctrination of college students at public Universities has to stop. I do not think I had to tell any of you that, but the thing is how the heck are we supposed to stop it? We need an education to make something of ourselves. If we question Professors we are looked down upon by those professors and others in the student body that have the same ideals as the professor. There is not much for us to do. I feel this a lot isnce I am a Political Science Major and have taken many courses in History and in politics. The way the United States is portrayed is nothing like it really is, yet no one gets up to question these schools on what they are teaching the leaders of tomorrow! It really gets under my skin when I have a professor come into the room on the first day of class and tell the room that he believes that Bush planned 9/11 so he could go to war with Iraq for the oil! What does that have anything to do with European History? Nothing at all people, nothing at all. I have had professors compare Bush to Hitler, Stalin, and Mousallini. I just want to scream, but feel like I can say nothing because I do not want a lower grade. At time, you can feel out the professor, and some of them are open to a debate on their belifs. But many times that is not the case. You better believe what you are being taught or else! That is what these professors want. Most of them are 60's radicals with tenure. Their tenure is worht more than an education that is without bias, I suppose!?

There are just some things in this world that you have to deal with, and being at a public University, that is one of them. Just si there and take it and do not let them indoctrinate YOU! Sometimes it is hard, they get you thinking that their side maybe right, which it never is because as we know Liberalism always generates the exact opposite of its stated intent! I am sure these people mean well, but their Marxists teachings are going to ruin this country to the point we may never get it back. I am not saying my generation is full of morons, but I am coming close to saying it. I would not trust to many people that I know with a desicion to go to war or not, that is for sure. I would not trust them to make important desicions for this nation and the world, either! That is just sad that I even have to admit that. But the fact is that the professors are trying to groom the next generation of leaders to come out with a world view that just does not compute with reality. No one in their right mind wants a communistic regime to run this country, yet we are getting closer and closer to that. As I read on a shirt the other day, " The only difference between Socialism and Communism is that Communism already have the weapons!" Is that not the truth or what people!?

Colege students, keep a watchful eye on your professors and do not let them indoctrinate you. That is the most important thing we can do as conservative students! If we can do that, maybe this country will survive to fight another day!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Nancy Pelosi promised her base that if they were elected, the House and Senate Democrats would make the United States better right off the bat. They would start on the first day and pass laws to help the "lower" class of people, and take the money away from the rich. As we all know, being rich in a country that is run by socialists is wrong, and we should all share the wealth unless you are the ones making the rule then you are immune to having to pay more taxes I guess. Tying to understand the Liberal mind makes me want to break something. Whenever you think you are on top of whatever it is they are whining about, there is something else there just to make you sick. It could be many things like abortion, education, the way the Government is run in general. All these things have Liberals go crazy when it is election time. But when it is time to go to work and get something done they do nothing but do their best to try and find a way to Impeach Bush. Is this why they were elected? I highly doubt their base thought that when they regained control they would do nothing but ask stupid questions of people in the Bush Administration!

The new thing in the Democratic party now is going after Bush for the firing of 8 U.S. Attorneys, for which he has every single right to do as President. But they still question him and ask why he did it, like he did it for some way to get out of trouble. Even if it was politically motivated, he still has the right to get rid of them when he sees fit. That is what the White House and Justice Department did, and now they have to take what is going to be given to them by Congress. Liberalism is a mental disorder.......

What else can be said about what is going on in this country today. We have our leaders doing nothing about the problems that we are facing in the world, and it just does not seem like they even care anymore. Is there anything that we can do to help out and get the word out. Tom, Rodney and I are doing our part. But this is just something small in the whole world of politics and the bickering that ensues. I could sit here and write all night long, but if people will not read it what will it help. I have been posting on a few other sites where I have been getting some response out of people, and that is a good thing. We all have to understand that this fight will not be easy, because the Libs will stop at nothing to have everything back the way it used to be under the Clinton Administration. I guess that means all the lying and selling off nuclear secrets would come back as well.

They do not want us to be a sovereign nation. Hell, I truly have a hard time believing Bush wants this to be one. The way he talks about NAFTA, it is like he wants to throw the borders away and be like the E.U., which is very troubling to me. There is not that one Conservative out there that can help this party grow, and that is sad. I have put my support behind Mitt Romney for no other reason that because the two front runners in the Republican party are Democrats in disguise. What happened to this party?

I wish I had the answer to that, but sadly do not. We as the "LITTLE PEOPLE" must keep our eyes out for what the Liberals are saying and beat it back in their face. If we do not, they will beat Socialism right into our homes!

Let me pick up here where Tom left off. I see that he has been writing about the 2008 election, concentrating on Barack Obama. Who knows what this guy is, or even if he even knows what he is. I hear a different report every single day about him being or not being a Muslim. Let us just say for the sake of argument that he is a Muslim. That right there just killed his chance of being President of the U.S. No one is going to vote for a Muslim. That is not being rude, that is just the truth! I am sure there are many, many good Muslim people out there that will go their whole lives without thinking about blowing up a building in the name of ALLAH, but we as a nation are not ready to take that chance. As long as this war on terror is going on, there will be no chance of that happening.

The Liberals would like you to believe they are a people that are SENSITIVE to the religion of peace, but that is a bold face lie and we will see that once the Primaries start. If Obama can not prove to every single Democrat that he is not a Muslim, he will lose in a landslide. Not that he will not anyway, will the money that Hillary has and the possibility of a Gore campaign emerging, this man has no chance in the world. And for God sales people, give me a break. I do not want to hear it is because he is black. That is NOT the reason. I truly believe Hillary can win the Presidency, and she is a women. So the people out there that think I am a racist can stick it, because that is so far from the truth it is sick!

Enough about that. I was recently invited to a blog on that I thought was really first. I thought there would be intellectual discussion on the issues of the day, but all I got was grief for being a Conservative, and I have just been getting triple teamed by these people. I know that is how they work, but trying to indoctrinate me will not work. I sit there and I handle my ground the best I can for having 4 or 5 people coming after my beliefs at one time. Frankly, I am really used to it from being on that site so long, this is not the first time I have had to deal with people that are so far left I doubt they even like making a right turn in their cars. But there was an exchange between a women and I that I thought would be interesting for all of you to read. here it is....

The protest on the Pentagon yesterday did nothing for the anti-war movement. I am coming from a whole different perspective here, being a Conservative that is for the war. I watched the speakers get up on stage and promote, like you mentioned, a Marxist movement, not a movement that would do anything to bring our men and women home. For the past few weeks I have been writing on my blog about just how frustrated I am with this war, and how it seems like when we are getting ahead, something else happens to set us back. But what happened yesterday was not just for an anti-war agenda, it was for the future socialistic agenda that is being slammed down our throats by people on the far left that believe we as civilians can not make important decisions on our own, and we need the BIG Federal government to do it for us.

As soon as I saw who was promoting this rally, I knew there was no way there would not be Muslim radicals and/or Marxist propaganda involved.

I have never talked to you directly, only through reading your blogs over the past day or so, but what I take from you is that you may be a Democrat, you may even be a Liberal, but a person that would want the U.S. to turn into a third world socialistic country is someone you are not. And that is a good thing. We, I m sure, are going to go back and forth at each other just because of our political views.

Nice blog!!

That was my first response to this persons blog. I thought I would start out nice, and try to get the feel for everyone..and boy did I. A girl that goes by the name of "NICOLE" responded to my post! Here is her response.....

In response to Romney above, I would frankly rather have socialist values crammed down my throat (universal health care, public eduation, and equality for all, anyone?!) - to the extent the Communist Revolutionary Party of America has the ability to cram anything down anyone's throat - than those hateful values of the religious right and greedy conservative a*holes like Bush, Cheney, and the Fox News crew. And if you want to get into discussing the appropriate role of govenment, let's talk about warrantless wiretaps, tossing habeus corpus out the window, torture, firing attorneys general because they refuse to do your political bidding, outing CIA agents, amending the constitution to TAKE AWAY civil rights, trampling reproductive rights, and our tax money going to pay billions to Halliburton to line Cheney's pockets when he's no longer VP, to name JUST a few.

This women flat out says hat she would rather live in a socialistic country than the United States. I could not believe what I was reading. These people are so far left, I did not imagine this would happen. But it did. I was nice when I went in, and then I had to pick up, because these people believe that whatever the Left says is right and we on the right should not question their intelligence. I can not believe this. I know I should have expected it, but I did not and I got caught off guard.

What happened to me should be a lesson for all Conservatives to always keep their guard up and never let the left take what they want from you. This upcoming election is going to be tough for the Republicans. I do not think I have to tell you that people in this country are not to happy with our side right now. But I, in all that I can do, will keep doing what I do best. Writing and hopefully bring a few people to the right side of the isle. It will not be a easy win for us, but I am sure with a lot of work we can retain the White House and get back the Senate!

Friday, March 09, 2007

...and some more, allow me introduce Obama to the blog!

Barack Hussein Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii, to Barack Hussein Obama Sr. (black muslim) of Nyangoma-Kogelo, Siaya District, Kenya, and Ann Dunham of Wichita, Kansas. (white atheist ).
When Obama was two years old, his parents divorced and his father returned to Kenya.
His mother married Lolo Soetoro -- a Muslim -- moving to Jakarta with Obama when he was six years old. Within six months he had learned to speak the Indonesian language. Obama spent "two years in a Muslim school, then two more in a Catholic school" in Jakarta.
Obama takes great care to conceal the fact that he is a Muslim while admitting that he was once a Muslim, mitigating that damning information by saying that, for two years, he also attended a Catholic school.
Obama's father, Barack Hussein Obama, Sr. was a radical Muslim. He met Obama's mother, Ann Dunham, a white atheist from Wichita, Kansas, at the University of Hawaii at Manoa.
Obama, Sr. and Dunham divorced when Barack, Jr. was two. Obama's spinmeisters are now attempting to make it appear that Obama's introduction to Islam came from his father and that influence was temporary at best. In reality, the senior Obama returned to Kenya immediately following the divorce and never again had any direct influence over his son's education.
Dunham married another Muslim, Lolo Soetoro who educated his stepson as a good Muslim by enrolling him in one of Jakarta's Wahabbi schools. Wahabbism is the radical teaching that created the Muslim terrorists who are now waging Jihad on the industrialized world.
Since it is politically expedient to be a Christian when you are seeking political office in the United States, Obama joined the United Church of Christ to help purge any notion that he is still a Muslim.
Are you still as ready to vote for him now??

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Well, since no one is posting recently, here are some things to chew on:

FROM - MARK STEYN Sun-Times Columnist:

Stop me if you've heard this before, but the other day the Rev. Al Gore declared that "climate change" was "the most important moral, ethical, spiritual and political issue humankind has ever faced.'' Ever. I believe that was the same day it was revealed that George W. Bush's ranch in Texas is more environmentally friendly than the Gore mansion in Tennessee. According to the Nashville Electric Service, the Eco-Messiah's house uses 20 times more electricity than the average American home. The average household consumes 10,656 kilowatt-hours. In 2006, the Gores wolfed down nearly 221,000 kilowatt-hours.

Two hundred twenty-one thousand kilowatt-hours? What's he doing in there? Clamping Tipper to the electrodes and zapping her across the rec room every night? No, no, don't worry. Al's massive energy consumption is due entirely to his concern about the way we're depleting the Earth's resources. When I say "we," I don't mean Al, of course. I mean you -- yes, you, Earl Schlub, in the basement apartment at 29 Elm St. You're irresponsibly depleting the Earth's resources by using that electric washer when you could be down by the river with the native women beating your loin cloth dry on the rock while singing traditional village work chants all morning long. But up at the Gore mansion -- the Nashville Electric Service's own personal gold mine, the shining Cathedral of St. Al, Tennessee's very own Palace of Versal -- the Reverend Al is being far more environmentally responsible. As his spokesperson attempted to argue, his high energy usage derives from his brave calls for low energy usage. He's burning up all that electricity by sending out faxes every couple of minutes urging you to use less electricity.
Also he buys -- and if you're a practicing Ecopalyptic please prostrate yourself before the Recycling Bin and make the sign of the HDPE -- Al buys "carbon offsets," or "carbon credits." Or, as his spokesperson Kalee Kreider put it (and, incidentally, speaking through a spokesperson is another way Al dramatically reduces his own emissions), the Gores "also do the carbon emissions offset."

They do the Carbon Emissions Offset? What is that -- a '60s dance craze? No, it's way hotter. I mean, cooler. All the movie stars are doing it. In fact, this year's Oscar goodie-bag that all the nominees get included a year's worth of carbon offsets. Totally free. So even the stars' offsets are offset. No wonder that, when they're off the set, they all do the offset. Look at Leonardo DiCaprio: He's loaded with 'em, and the chicks think he's totally eco-cool. Tall and tan and young and lovely, the boy with carbon offsets goes walking and when he passes each one he passes goes aaaiiieeeeeeeee!

How do "carbon offsets" work? Well, let's say you're a former vice president and you want to reduce your "carbon footprint," but the gorgeous go-go Gore gals are using the hair dryer every night. So you go to a carbon-credits firm and pay some money and they'll find a way of getting somebody on the other side of the planet to reduce his emissions and the net result will be "carbon neutral." It's like in Henry VIII's day. He'd be planning a big ox roast and piling on the calories but he'd give a groat to a starving peasant to carry on starving for another day and the result would be calorie-neutral.

So in the Reverend Al's case it doesn't matter that he's lit up like Times Square on V-E Day. Because he's paid for his extravagant emissions. He has a carbon-offset trader in an environmentally friendly carbon-credits office suite who buys "carbon offsets" for Al from, say, a terrorist mastermind in a cave in the Pakistani tribal lands who's dramatically reduced his energy usage mainly because every time he powers up his cell phone or laptop a light goes on in Washington and an unmanned drone starts heading his way. So, aside from a basic cable subscription to cheer himself up watching U.S. senators talking about "exit strategies" on CNN 24/7, the terrorist mastermind doesn't deplete a lot of resources. Which means Tipper can watch Al give a speech on a widescreen plasma TV, where Al looks almost as wide as in life, and she doesn't have to feel guilty because it all comes out . . . carbon-neutral!
And, in fact, in the Reverend Al's case it's even better than that. Al buys his carbon offsets from Generation Investment Management LLP, which is "an independent, private, owner-managed partnership established in 2004 and with offices in London and Washington, D.C.," that, for a fee, will invest your money in "high-quality companies at attractive prices that will deliver superior long-term investment returns." Generation is a tax-exempt U.S. 501(c)3. And who's the chairman and founding partner? Al Gore.

So Al can buy his carbon offsets from himself. Better yet, he can buy them with the money he gets from his long-time relationship with Occidental Petroleum. See how easy it is to be carbon-neutral? All you have do is own a gazillion stocks in Big Oil, start an eco-stockbroking firm to make eco-friendly investments, use a small portion of your oil company's profits to buy some tax-deductible carbon offsets from your own investment firm, and you too can save the planet while making money and leaving a carbon footprint roughly the size of Godzilla's at the start of the movie when they're all standing around in the little toe wondering what the strange depression in the landscape is.

A couple of days before the Oscars, the Reverend Al gave a sell-out performance at the University of Toronto. "From my perspective, it is a form of religion," said Bruce Crofts of the East Toronto Climate Action Group, who compared the former vice president to Jesus Christ, both men being (as the Globe And Mail put it) "great leaders who stepped forward when called upon by circumstance." Unlike Christ, the Eco-Messiah cannot yet walk on water, but then, neither can the polar bears. However, only Al can survey the melting ice caps and turn water into whine. One lady unable to land a ticket frantically begged the university for an audience with His Goriness. As the National Post reported, "Her daughter hadn't been able to sleep since seeing ''An Inconvenient Truth.'' She claimed that seeing Mr. Gore in person might make her daughter feel better." Well, it worked for Leonardo DiCaprio.

Are eco-celebrities buying ridiculousness-emissions credits from exhausted run-of-the-mill celebrities like Paris, Britney and Anna Nicole? Ah, well. The Eco-Messiah sternly talks up the old Nazi comparisons: What we're facing is an "ecological Holocaust, and "the evidence of an ecological Kristallnacht is as clear as the sound of glass shattering in Berlin." That 221,000 kilowatt-hours might suggest that, if this is the ecological Holocaust, Gore's pad is Auschwitz. But, as his spokesperson would no doubt argue, when you're faced with ecological Holocausts and ecological Kristallnachts, sometimes the only way to bring it to an end is with an ecological Hiroshima. The Gore electric bill is the eco-atom bomb: You have to light up the world in order to save it.

©Mark Steyn 2007

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