Thursday, June 14, 2007

Just a little rant....

Wow, I haven't used that one in a That is really all I do here is rant about what I believe is right and what should happen to and in this country. people may not agree with me, most do not. But that is far beyond the point. That is what political battles on myspace is all about. Arguing and fighting to get your point across, even though you know the other person may not care. That is what I do here.

I know I have said this before, and I will say it again I am sure....Democrats are out to ruin this country and everything it stands for. I believe, deep down in my heart, that they could care less about the people who are in this nation and more about the world at large. That is why you will always here someone from the left say that we should listen to the world before we do anything that may effect the tiniest little thing in the world. Yes, and that means Global Warming. I know I keep bringing this up, but there are a few things that I will bring up until the 2008 election has passed, and that is one of them. Why you may ask? I believe that Al Gore, sooner or later, is going to find his oppertunity to jump into this race for President and give a second chance at being President. There is no way he will play second chair to Hillary, there is no chance of that happening. But the other way around, that is a possibility. Another Gore/Clinton Ticket is what the Democrats would love the most. You would see the news media go crazy over it.

On the Republican side, Fred Thompson, in a Rassmusen Poll has caught up to Rudy in the Republican polls. This man is amazing. If he stays around long enough to put a run together, it is over. The man will win the nomination. This is something the Republicans really needed right now, someone they can get behind that is a Reagan Conservative. I always like to talk about the nominations, and what will happen in the races, I am sure you know that if you have been reading my blog for a while. For the first part of the year, I was strongly behind Mitt Romney, but now, there is no denying the force that is coming with Fred Thompson. If he is the Republican nod, he will NOT be one of those that pick Rudy or even McCain to be his running mate. There is no way he would pick a Liberal like one of those guys to go the distance with. And since I believe that the issue of Republicans not putting up a women may come into the debate at some point, I believe he would pick someone like Rice to be his running mate. Now, I am not saying it would be her, but someone like her. A women that people may or may not know to much about, but would repsect the way they speak, as people do when Thompson speaks to a group.

But who knows, I could be totally wrong again. I mean, I was behind a man for President that I thought I knew, but was fooled after watching some debates and listening to him speak a few times. It is so early in the process, no one really knows what can happen. A story could come out that could push Obama to the top, and it would totally ruin everything I have written about here tonight. People in this country love to look ahead, and especially me this time. I do not know why that that is really. I would guess it is because I am so sick and tired of the Bush Presidency, sometimes it makes me sick.

The Democrats will come with the fight of a lifetime this time around ladies and gentlemen. If you thought the election of 2000 was bad, this one may be even worse. Barring some wierd turn of events, Hillary will win the nomination and do anything she can to win the White House, and ultimatly put her Husband into a position of power somewhere in the world community. That is what scares the hell out of Conservatives. A man that should have been thrown out of office, or at least resigned his office, may one day have more power than anyone could have ever imagined.

Am I talking crazy, or am I right on the money with this one? You tell me when the last time you seen someone from the left talk bad on the Clintons, and did not pay for what they have said. These people could be the most powerful family in the country, maybe even the world, if they are let back into the White House for another go around to ruin this nation at a time when we are most vulnerable. Take my words for what they are worth, but remember what happened the last time we had a Clinton in the White House....Sex Scandles, illegal campaign contributions, lying under oath and committing obsruction of justice, undercutting the military by cutting their funding, giving the American people the HIGHEST tax increase this country has ever seen, letting Bin Laden go because of the "Rule of Law" ( as if Bin Laden has ever heard of such a thing). Just remeber those things when your Liberal buddies say Hillary is the way to go!


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