Wednesday, June 13, 2007


I sit here tonight, as I watch the movie, "All the Presidents Men", and I wonder if we are not living through another Republican Presidency that has lied to us about something. No, not about the War or even taxes...nothing like that at all. Nothing to even add up to the momentous ties that were told to the country in that part of our History. But, I do believe we have been lied to by the President of the United States in one respect. That is in the pool of immigration. We have been lied to and told that we are supposed to be supportive of the Bill in front of the Senate right now, because if we are not, we are not REAL Americans. We are racists and bigots for even saying that the president is wrong with this one, and that right there is a crime!

This is what I say to Mr. Bush: We are NOT going to sit here while you push your globalists agenda down the throats of people who want to keep the sanity in this nation. We want to preserve this nation the way it was the Constitution of this nation, not of other nations or of some sort of North American Union, which we all know these politicians want. But the real question here is why do they want it? The Democrats are no better on this issue. They will not fight Bush on this, even though it would help them more than they even know. There are people like me out there that would vote for a Dem if he said that this immigration Bill was full of it and should not even be put to a vote. Luckily, there are Republicans as well who do not like this Bill, and they are also running for President. I guess we cross our fingers and wait to see what happens.

I believe this is an issue that can not be looked past. If this bill passes, which I believe it just might, there will be MANY illegals with the power to vote very very soon. This is what the people in Congress are praying for. Once these people are allowed the right to vote, our vote is pointless to them. They can all fight over the Hispanic vote when they are done. This is all what they want. They want the North American Union so bad they will sail the U.S. and its Constitution down the river. But the REAL problem is that most people just do not care. Why do they not care about one of the most important issues of our day? The reason is because they have no idea what is going on. Have you read the 400 some odd pages of the bill for immigration reform? I have not. I do not have the time, just like most Americans do not have the time to do it. This should infuriate more people than it has, but it has not. I say we start asking the tough questions of our Government and our leaders, just as Bernstein and Woodward asked the tough questions of the Government when they did the story of Watergate. Like I said, this story does not even touch the surface of a story like that. But it has a lot to do with the future of this nation and who it will be run by.

I have no idea if anyone will even read this post, since it seems no one ever comes to this site anymore to comment, so I may have to repost on my myspace site to get the discussion going. But this is what I hope for. I hope that people will become mad at this government for trying to make the people look like monsters for believing in the right to sovereignty. This country has done some amazing things in the past, but now we are hitting a point in History where we need to ask more questuions and make sure they are answered better than they have been. The people and only the people can make that happen. The Government should never become more powerful than the people of the nation who elects them, but that has become the norm over the past 40 or even 50 years. People who run this nation are running it for corporations and the wealthy, not for the everyday person. I am not singling out anyone here. I mean Democrats and Republicans are guilty of this. I am one that will not sit and wait for the final straw to be drawn on this nation. I love this nation and everything it has done, good and bad...for one reason.....WE ARE THE GREATEST NATION IN THE WORLD! No question about is a fact. Through everything that has happened to us over the years, we have come back strong. But this time it is people inside the government who want to make every single American look like a fool, not another nation. They feel we can be stronger if we are apart of a larger nation, and I say we will be weaker. They say we need the work force, I say get the lazy bums off of the welfare system and get them to work. They say people like me are racist for the way I think, I say they are in the minority for the way they think.

Do not let the government control you, you control the government. Not just on election day, but every day.


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